
Miyuki Miyabe

Autor von Feuerwagen

117+ Werke 2,774 Mitglieder 105 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 6 Lesern

Über den Autor


Werke von Miyuki Miyabe

Feuerwagen (1992) 593 Exemplare
Brave Story (2003) — Autor — 533 Exemplare
Crossfire (1998) 204 Exemplare
ICO: Castle in the Mist (2004) 189 Exemplare
The Book of Heroes (2009) 170 Exemplare
Shadow Family (2001) 152 Exemplare
The Devil's Whisper (1989) 136 Exemplare
Apparitions: Ghosts of Old Edo (2000) 85 Exemplare
The Sleeping Dragon (1991) 76 Exemplare
Brave Story, v.1 {manga} (2004) 28 Exemplare
The Gate of Sorrows (2016) 28 Exemplare
Lonesome Hunter (2008) 27 Exemplare
Brave Story, v.2 {manga} (2004) 22 Exemplare
Puppet Master, vol.1 (2005) 20 Exemplare
Puppet Master, vol.2 (2005) 16 Exemplare
Puppet Master, vol.3 (2005) 15 Exemplare
Puppet Master, vol.4 (2006) 15 Exemplare
The Reason (1998) 15 Exemplare
Brave Story, v.3 {manga} (2004) 14 Exemplare
Puppet Master, vol.5 (2006) 14 Exemplare
Heartache Tonight (1992) 14 Exemplare
Somebody (2003) 14 Exemplare
The Gamou Estate Affair (1996) 14 Exemplare
Stepfather Step (1993) 13 Exemplare
Level 7 (1990) 12 Exemplare
Nameless Poison (2006) 12 Exemplare
Tales of Firsts (1995) 12 Exemplare
Long Long Murder (1992) 11 Exemplare
Not Necessary to Answer (1991) 10 Exemplare
Dimwit, v.1 (2000) 9 Exemplare
Dimwit, v.2 (2000) 9 Exemplare
Hostage Canon (1996) 8 Exemplare
Perfect Blue (1989) 8 Exemplare
Puppet Master {v.2 of 2} (2001) 8 Exemplare
Puppet Master {v.1 of 2} (2001) 8 Exemplare
堪忍箱 (新潮文庫) (1996) 7 Exemplare
Koshuku No Hito (2005) 7 Exemplare
The Murders in Downtown Tokyo (1990) 7 Exemplare
Crossfire, v.1 (1998) 7 Exemplare
The Hunting of the Snark (1992) 7 Exemplare
Paradise, v.2 (2007) 6 Exemplare
Not Even in My Wildest Dreams (1995) 5 Exemplare
Brave Story, v.5 {manga} (2004) 5 Exemplare
Brave Story, v.4 {manga} (2004) 5 Exemplare
おまえさん. 下 (2011) 5 Exemplare
平成お徒歩日記 (1998) 5 Exemplare
かまいたち (新潮文庫) (1992) 5 Exemplare
Left Behind (1992) 5 Exemplare
ICO: Castle in the Mist, v.1 (2004) 5 Exemplare
Crossfire, v.2 (1998) 4 Exemplare
おまえさん. 上 (2011) 4 Exemplare
Paradise, v.1 (2007) 4 Exemplare
Our Neighbors' Crimes (1990) 4 Exemplare
The Book of Heroes, v.2 (2009) 3 Exemplare
ICO: Castle in the Mist, v.2 (2004) 3 Exemplare
Apartment Hope (2016) 3 Exemplare
The Book of Heroes, v.1 (2009) 3 Exemplare
All Day Long, v.3 (2004) 3 Exemplare
All Day Long, v.1 (2004) 3 Exemplare
荒神 (2014) 2 Exemplare
Chiyoko (2011) 2 Exemplare
The Evil Book (2011) 2 Exemplare
The Kogure Photography Studio (2010) 2 Exemplare
Whose Child is This? (2006) 1 Exemplar
The Castle of Kingdom Come (2015) 1 Exemplar
Dream Buster, v.3 (2006) 1 Exemplar
Tűzember (2008) 1 Exemplar
Mo Shu De Er Yu (2004) 1 Exemplar
All Day Long, v.2 (2004) 1 Exemplar
Dream Buster, v.2 (2003) 1 Exemplar
Dream Buster, v.1 (2001) 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Phantasm Japan: Fantasies Light and Dark, From and About Japan (2014) — Mitwirkender — 47 Exemplare
Tales of Old Edo - Kaiki: Uncanny Tales from Japan, Vol. 1 (2009) — Mitwirkender — 41 Exemplare
ヴィジョンズ — Mitwirkender — 2 Exemplare
NOVA 2019: Spring Edition (2018) — Mitwirkender — 1 Exemplar
SF Japan Vol.8 (2003年秋季号) (ロマンアルバム) (2003) — Mitwirkender — 1 Exemplar
NOVA 2: A Collection of Original Japanese SF Works (2010) — Mitwirkender — 1 Exemplar
NOVA 6: A Collection of Original Japanese SF Works (2011) — Mitwirkender — 1 Exemplar
NOVA+ Babel: A Collection of Original Japanese SF Works (2014) — Mitwirkender — 1 Exemplar



Gebräuchlichste Namensform
Miyabe, Miyuki
Rechtmäßiger Name
宮部 みゆき
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Preise und Auszeichnungen
Yamamoto Shūgorō (1993)
Naoki Prize (1998)



This book was quite a journey. The first 130 pages went by really slowly and I'd say the book was barely a 3/5, but after it got going it really took off. I enjoyed all of the characters and his missions and felt the book wrapped up in a really fantastic way. It's rare that I come across someone with this much self awareness and growth.
Linyarai | 25 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 6, 2024 |
Noir-y japanese mystery novel. Interesting view of japanese debt system. Characters felt a little shallow
emmby | 25 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 4, 2023 |
The stories are very good traditional Japanese ghost tales at their core. The author enjoys adding much detail to the lives of the characters which brings the reader close to the daily workings of normalcy in the working classes. However, the details become overbearing in most stories to the point where the supernatural makes only the faintest of appearances to minimal effect. As an artistic statement, this could be praiseworthy as the ghost is fleeting enough to just be a suggestion at the externalized folly of whatever poor soul witnesses it. As an engaging book though, it left something to be desired.… (mehr)
tsunaminoai | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 24, 2023 |
La policía que investiga el doble asesinato de un asalariado de mediana edad y su novia de edad universitaria descubre una correspondencia de correo electrónico que vincula a la víctima con miembros de una familia de fantasía en línea, en la que hace el papel de papá.
Mientras tanto, a su hija adolescente en la vida real se le asigna protección policial después de quejarse de que la acosan. La investigación se enfoca cada vez más en la familia en la sombra, ya que hay evidencia de que los miembros salieron de la sala de chat y comenzaron a reunirse fuera de línea.
El sargento veterano Takegami se encuentra inesperadamente en el centro de la investigación después de que su colega sea hospitalizado. Sumado a su sorpresa, se asocia con su viejo amigo, el detective Chikako Ishizu, después de un descanso de quince años. Siguiendo una corazonada, colaboran para desentrañar la delgada línea entre la fantasía y la dura realidad del asesinato.
… (mehr)
Natt90 | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 24, 2023 |



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