
Laëtitia Bourget

Autor von L'apprentissage amoureux

10 Werke 31 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Werke von Laëtitia Bourget

L'apprentissage amoureux (2005) 10 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
La casa en el bosque (2019) 5 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Une amie pour la vie (2012) 3 Exemplare
Le creux de ma main (2010) 3 Exemplare
Diventare grande (2023) 2 Exemplare
Tu sei qui. Ediz. a colori (2022) 2 Exemplare
L'enfant idéal 1 Exemplar
Se faire des amis 1 Exemplar
Grandir (2019) 1 Exemplar






n este álbum único, en formato acordeón de ¡4 metros de largo!, el protagonista invita al lector a recorrer de su mano el camino que conduce a su hogar, una casa en el bosque. Por una de las caras del libro gigante, da comienzo el viaje: atravesamos el pueblo, cruzamos el puente, paseamos por la orilla del río…

Este entusiasta anfitrión nos explica, paso a paso, cómo llegar a su casa. Una vez allí, en la otra cara del libro, dejamos los zapatos en la entrada y accedemos a las diferentes habitaciones, en las que hay infinidad de detalles por descubrir.

El exterior y el interior de la casa se despliegan en este álbum de gran formato con espléndidas ilustraciones, que conecta a los primeros lectores con un relato sencillo, que invita a pasear, a observar y a leer jugando.
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bibliotecayamaguchi | Nov 4, 2019 |
Wonderful illustrations help relate this short story about "an education on love" which begins (approximate and shortened translation from French) "Once upon a time in a country far far away, a handsome prince met the princess of his dreams. After many difficult travails, the prince got his princess, they lived happily ever after and had many children."

"And what then?"

We find out the prince and the princess had the run of the palace, could listen to stories till late at night, then sleep in all morning and eat sweets as much they wanted to, and so on. But what follows is a series amusing 'real life' situations our young royals might have come across in the course of their idyllic relationship. Here are a few examples:

But what happened when there was only one ice cream cone left?

or when they couldn't agree on the names of their future children?

How did the prince remain charming when he snored at night? And how did the princess stay sublime when she got pimples all over her face?

and how did the princess manage not to feel abandoned when the prince travelled far away to kill the demons?

This book is sadly only available in French at present, but the illustrations alone are well worth the detour. In the meantime, you can view them in a larger format by clicking on the images here, then clicking on the image a second time when you are on the Flickr page. My thanks to Kerry (avatiakh) for pointing out this fantastically imaginative and talented illustrator to me.
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Smiler69 | Aug 15, 2011 |

