
Madame d'Aulnoy (1650–1705)

Autor von The Fairy Tales of Madame d'Aulnoy

82+ Werke 313 Mitglieder 7 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Bildnachweis: Photo © ÖNB/Wien

Werke von Madame d'Aulnoy

Die Schöne und das Tier (1984) 20 Exemplare
Der Pfauenkönig (1985) 13 Exemplare
The White Cat (1972) 11 Exemplare
Travels into Spain (1690) 9 Exemplare
L'oiseau bleu et autres contes (1991) 7 Exemplare
El cuarto de las hadas (1992) 6 Exemplare
Le cabinet des fées (1988) 6 Exemplare
Kreivittären satukirja (1985) 4 Exemplare
Contes de fées (1997) 4 Exemplare
La Corza del Bosque (1982) 3 Exemplare
The Yellow Dwarf (2015) 3 Exemplare
FORTUNIA. A Tale. (1974) 3 Exemplare
Contes de Madame d'Aulnoy (2011) 2 Exemplare
The Child's Fairy Library (1837) 2 Exemplare
Charles Perrault Contes, Suivis de Contes de Madame D'Aulnoy (1978) — Herausgeber — 2 Exemplare
Contes de Madame d'Aulnoy (1997) 1 Exemplar
Contes, Tome I: 1 (2015) 1 Exemplar
Fairy Tales (1888) 1 Exemplar
Fiabe francesi 1 Exemplar
The Prince of Carency (1985) 1 Exemplar
Contes, T. 1 1 Exemplar
Le Cabinet des f 1 Exemplar
Babiole (French Edition) (2015) 1 Exemplar
Contes de fées (2013) 1 Exemplar
Contes - Tome I 1 Exemplar
Contes - Tome II 1 Exemplar
Contes - Tome I (2013) 1 Exemplar
Contes - Tome II (2013) 1 Exemplar
Contes, T. 2 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Contes (1694)einige Ausgaben444 Exemplare
A Child's Book of Stories (1986) — Mitwirkender — 365 Exemplare
QPB Illustrated Treasury of Classic Fairy Tales (2003) — Mitwirkender — 157 Exemplare
Dean's A Book of Fairy Tales (1977) — Mitwirkender — 116 Exemplare
Golden Cities, Far (1970) — Mitwirkender — 80 Exemplare
The Mammoth Book of Fairy Tales (1997) — Mitwirkender — 62 Exemplare
Women of the Weird: Eerie Stories by the Gentle Sex (1976) — Mitwirkender — 43 Exemplare
The Blue Bird (1970) 5 Exemplare
The Best Book of Fairy Tales (1989) — Mitwirkender — 3 Exemplare



Gebräuchlichste Namensform
d'Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine
Rechtmäßiger Name
baronne d'Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine le Jumel de Barneville
Andere Namen
Comtesse d'Aulnoy
Land (für Karte)
Barneville-la-Bertran, France
Paris, France
Barneville-la-Bertran, France
Paris, France
fairy tale writer
L'Heritier, Marie-Jeanne (friend)
Preise und Auszeichnungen
Accademia dei Ricovrati
Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, known as Madame d’Aulnoy, was born to an aristocratic French family in Barneville-la-Bertran, Normandy. In 1666, at about age 15, she was forced to marry François de la Motte, Baron d'Aulnoy, 30 years her senior. It was an unhappy union, and she was imprisoned in 1669 for plotting to kill her husband, but released the following year for lack of evidence. For the next 13 years, she traveled around Europe -- what she did during this period is still a mystery -- and then in 1685, bought a house on the rue Saint-Benoît in Paris. There she established a popular salon and began her literary career. Her first important novel, Histoire d’Hypolite, comte de Duglas (The Story of Hypolitus, Count of Douglas), which appeared in 1690,was a great success and contained her first major fairy tale, "L’Ile de la félicité" ("The Island of Happiness"). She followed it up the same year with a bestselling pseudo-history, Mémoires de la cour d’Espagne (Memoirs of the Spanish Court) and in 1691 with an epistolary travel narrative, Relation du voyage d’Espagne (An Account of a Journey to Spain). Eventually she published several volumes of fairy tales: Les Contes des Fées, I–III (1696-1697), Les Contes de Fées, IV (1698), and Contes Nouveaux ou les Fées à la Mode, I–IV (New Tales, or Fairies in Fashion, 1698). Madame d’Aulnoy influenced other writers and the vogue for writing fairy tales among other aristocratic women in late 17th century France. It was with a 1699 translation of Les Contes de Fées published in the UK that the term "fairy tales" entered the English language, along with the first use of the name "Prince Charming."



La Relación del viaje de España de Madame d’Aulnoy (1691) ha tenido una inmensa importancia literaria y puede considerarse como un espejo de la cultura de España y sus costumbres de finales del siglo XVII. Las descripciones de Madame d’Aulnoy no tiene como objetivo juzgar la cultura española ni son un intento de favorecer la cultura francesa en relación con la española. No obstante, la observación de la otra cultura y costumbres le permiten definir su propia identidad como mujer francesa.… (mehr)
BibliotecaUNED | May 13, 2016 |
One of my all time favorite books. Read it as a child. Read it as a young adult. Read it as an adult. Read it to my child. It is timeless.
stacykurko | Oct 29, 2015 |
With intensely idiosyncratic illustrations from the prolific Etienne Delessert - two-time winner of the Premio Grafico at the Bologna World Children's Book Fair, whose artwork can be seen in titles such as Humpty Dumpty and Moon Theater - this version of the classic fairy-tale of Beauty and the Beast was published by Creative Editions, a small Mankato publisher specializing in more artistic picture-books. The result is a volume that is visually arresting, with a surreal sensibility that is attention-grabbing, even when not (in my personal estimation) beautiful. It's hard to describe the Beast here, as he is only fully depicted once or twice, and then in a rather distorted way, but I would say that he has the appearance of a large dark grayish hound.

The narrative itself is engaging enough, although very text-heavy - definitely too involved for younger children! - and diverges a bit from the Mme Le Prince de Beaumont-influenced versions most often seen. It is attributed to Mme. D'Aulnoy, which I find very difficult to understand, as all the scholarship I have read on Beauty and the Beast agrees that the first recorded version of this story was in Mme. de Villeneuve's 1740 La jeune américaine, et les contes marins, and Mme. D'Aulnoy died in 1705, her two major fairy-tale collections - Les Contes des Fées and Contes Nouveaux ou Les Fées à la Mode - being published in 1697 and 1698, respectively. How then, if the first written version of this tale appeared in 1740, could D'Aulnoy have penned a version? This edition is the first indication I have seen, that any version of this story is attributed to Mme. D'Aulnoy - although I know she translated a similar story, originally from Giovanni Francesco Straparola, about a Pig Prince - and I suspect it must be a mistake. One wonders what the source (by which I mean the actual volume) was?

In any case, leaving aside these puzzling issues of attribution, this is a version of Beauty and the Beast I recommend to fan of the tale, as it offers a very different aesthetic sensibility than most other versions I have seen. Obviously, Etienne Delessert fans will also enjoy it.
… (mehr)
1 abstimmen
AbigailAdams26 | Apr 8, 2013 |
»Dernière édition des contes de madame d'Aulnoy, madame de Murat et autres. Les tomes 3 à 6 contiennent tous les contes de madame d'Aulnoy, qui forment huit parties dans les éditions précédentes ; tes deux premiers et les deux derniers volumes contiennent les autres contes : par exemple, le septième contiennes Illustres fées, mal à propos attribuées à madame d'Àulnoy, imprimées pour la première fois en 1698 et réimprimî es en i709 et 1131. Il se pourrait que ce fussent les mômes que ceux d'un M. Lesconvel, mauvais auteur. Les Contes des contes, qui suivent dans le même volume, sont de mademoiselle de la Force. Le tome huit est composé du Chevalier errant, du Génie familier, et de la Tyrannie des fées détruite, par mademoiselle de Lubert. » D. P.… (mehr)
MarieAntoinette | Jan 21, 2008 |



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