
Zoë Heller

Autor von Tagebuch eines Skandals

9+ Werke 4,459 Mitglieder 195 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 13 Lesern

Über den Autor

Zoe Heller has been a contributing editor of Vanity Fair and a staff member of the London Sunday Times, the Times Supplement, Esquire, Vogue, the London Review of Books and The New York Times. Her 2003 novel, What Was She Thinking?: Notes on a Scandal, earned tremendous acclaim, including a spot on mehr anzeigen the short list for the prestigious Man Booker Prize. The audio release coincided with the 2007 film adaptation, Notes on a Scandal, starring Cate Blanchett and Judi Dench. She was born and educated in Britain and now divides her time between Brooklyn, NY and Bucks County, PA. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen
Bildnachweis: Photo by David Shankbone (Cropped/Wikimedia Commons)

Werke von Zoë Heller

Zugehörige Werke

Englische Liebschaften (1945) — Einführung, einige Ausgaben1,951 Exemplare
Granta 79: Celebrity (2002) — Mitwirkender — 145 Exemplare
Notes on a Scandal [2006 film] (2006) — Original book — 143 Exemplare
Granta 53: News (1996) — Mitwirkender — 124 Exemplare
Ox-Tales: Water (2009) — Mitwirkender — 70 Exemplare





It was very well done, especially as it related to loneliness and obsession, but for some reason I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have, and am not sure why.
dvoratreis | 104 weitere Rezensionen | May 22, 2024 |
An unsentimental and compelling family drama about a political lawyer, possibly modeled after William Kunstler, who has a stroke and how his family reacts in various ways, particularly intensely by his distressed and furious wife, Audrey. I have friends who will say "but I didn't like the characters" to which the author replies in an interview in the October 1, 2008 issue of Time Out:
I read a review the other day that said, "Joel is the one charming character in the book, and we're left with this pain in the neck." And in one sense that exactly expresses what she's had to deal with all her life, being the less desirable companion to this charming, charismatic, fabulous man, who is also this gigantic egotist. It's quite hard work living with that kind of star. [...:] It's amazing how often, both giving readings in book shops or reading reviews on Amazon, or even reading supposedly sophisticated criticism, that charge arises: "You've written somebody that I don't like." And you want to say, well, how do you feel about Iago? I take umbrage at all that. [...:] I very strongly feel that the job of fiction is not to write admirable figures, but to imagine one's way into all sorts of people, often people who ostensibly at least are deeply unlikeable or unpleasant. The question is not whether you like them but whether you understand them.
… (mehr)
featherbooks | 80 weitere Rezensionen | May 7, 2024 |
A well written but ultimately not terribly absorbing story told by a 50 something misanthrope now self-exiled in America. He spent time in prison for murdering his wife though he was later acquitted, he's estranged from one daughter while the other has committed suicide, and he has at least 2 girlfriends to fuel his sex life. He's unpleasant, all the characters are in their different ways unpleasant. Why should I want to spend a rainy weekend in their company?
Margaret09 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 15, 2024 |
This is truly one of the most boring books I've ever tried to read. I didn't even finish it. This is definitely one instance where the movie was better than the book.
thatnerd | 104 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 2, 2024 |



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