329+ Werke 3,122 Mitglieder 20 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 11 Lesern

Über den Autor

Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon) was born in Cordoba, Spain, but spent his most productive years in Cairo, where he served as a royal physician. The Arabic cultural environment brought him into contact with classical Greek philosophy. Maimonides fused neo-Aristotelian philosophy with the Jewish legal mehr anzeigen tradition into a systemic whole. His main philosophic work, "The Guide for the Perplexed," is an apologetic appeal to rationalists troubled by the corporeality of God in the biblical accounts. He proposes a philosophic interpretation of the Bible that emphasizes abstract and spiritual meaning over literal interpretation. Maimonides formulated the 13 principles of faith that represent the irreducible core of Judaism. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen
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Werke von Moses Maimonides

Ethical Writings of Maimonides (1983) 141 Exemplare
Mishneh Torah : Hilchot Ishut (1994) 25 Exemplare
Le Livre de la connaissance (1981) 22 Exemplare
The commentary to Mishnah Aboth (1968) 21 Exemplare
The Wisdom of Moses Maimonides (1963) 18 Exemplare
Mishneh Torah Sefer Hakorbanot (1991) 7 Exemplare
Treatise on asthma (2002) 6 Exemplare
ספר המצוות 6 Exemplare
GUIA DE LOS PERPLEJOS 1 (2001) 5 Exemplare
Epîtres (1993) 5 Exemplare
Obras Filosóficas Y Morales (2006) 4 Exemplare
Moses Maimonides (Rambam) (1966) 3 Exemplare
Letters of Maimonides (1977) 3 Exemplare
מלות ההגיון (2004) 2 Exemplare
Traité de logique (1996) 2 Exemplare
Mishneh Torah - Sefer Kedushah (1998) 2 Exemplare
Mishneh Torah - Sefer Hafla`ah (1998) 2 Exemplare
Mishneh Torah - Sefer Zeraim (1998) 2 Exemplare
Lettera sull'astrologia (1994) 2 Exemplare
A Majmuni Kodex 1 Exemplar
On evil 1 Exemplar
Sefer Ha-Mitzvot 1 Exemplar
Mishné Torá II 1 Exemplar
Mishné Tora I 1 Exemplar
rambam on avos 1 Exemplar
Hilkhot teshuvah 1 Exemplar
Mishneh Toreh 1 Exemplar
Hilchot Shabbos 1 Exemplar
Work 1 Exemplar
MISHNE TORA, IAD JAZAKA (1998) 1 Exemplar
El libro del asma 1 Exemplar
Moreh Nevoochim 1 Exemplar
Moreh Nevuchiim 1 Exemplar
Teadmise raamat (2023) 1 Exemplar
ספר המדע 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

A Golden Treasure of Jewish Literature (1937) — Mitwirkender — 76 Exemplare
The Sheed and Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy (2005) — Mitwirkender — 28 Exemplare
Het derde Testament : Joodse verhalen (1995) — Mitwirkender, einige Ausgaben7 Exemplare
Haut ab!: Haltungen zur rituellen Beschneidung (2014) — Mitwirkender — 3 Exemplare
Maimonides, der Mann, sein Werk und seine Wirkung — Associated Name — 2 Exemplare



Gebräuchlichste Namensform
Maimonides, Moses
Rechtmäßiger Name
ben Maimun, Moshe
Andere Namen
RamBam (רמב"ם)
Abu Imran Musa bin Maimun ibn Abdallah al-Qurtubi al-Israili
أبو عمران موسى بن ميمون بن عبد الله القرطبي الإسرائيلي
Tiberias, Israel
Land (für Karte)
Cordoba, Spain
Fostat, Egypt
Córdoba, Spanien
Fes, Marokko
Fostat, Ägypten
Maimonides, Obadyah (grandson)
אברהם בן משה בן מימון (son)
Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon is known in English as Maimonides and in Hebrew by the acronym of his name, Rambam. His importance and influence in Jewish legal and philosophical thought is embodied in the saying, "From Moses (of the 10 Commandments) to Moses (Maimonides) there was none like Moses." Numerous schools around the world are named for him.



In quest'opera Maimonide enuncia la dottrina etica dell'ebraismo. Sentendo l'intimo legame fra l'uomo e Dio e respingendo il concetto di una morale autonoma e utilitaristica, egli rivolge la sua attenzione ai moventi spirituali che determinano l'azione morale, arrivando ad affermare che la vera moralità si attua nel fare il bene per il bene, senza attendersi da ciò altra conseguenza che non sia quella derivante dalla stessa esecuzione dell'azione morale. Attraverso vere e proprie dissertazioni sui diversi temi di etica che danno il titolo agli otto capitoli, Maimonide sottolinea la necessità che l'uomo conosca il proprio "io" più intimo per poter accedere alla vera dimensione etica, in cui le azioni sono strumenti di elevazione spirituale. In questo sforzo di innalzamento, l'uomo, armonizzando le proprie energie spirituali, sarà in grado di vivere lontano da qualsiasi eccesso e riuscirà ad acquisire una percezione di Dio adeguata al proprio potenziale spirituale. (fonte: retro di copertina)… (mehr)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Nov 10, 2022 |
Come dare un 'giudizio' a un'opera di questo calibro?
Rendere 'giustizia', con poche parole, sarebbe solamente per 'grazia'.

Da riprendere e tenere alla portata di mano, una pietra che potrebbe essere considerata di fondamento per ogni intelletto.

Un testo che occupa sia spazio che tempo ma su cui puoi tranquillamente appurare la non appartenenza allo spazio e al tempo.

Buona Lettura
giacomomanta | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 23, 2022 |
Murtra | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 6, 2021 |
Looking to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy and Jewish theology, Moses Maimonides wrote The Guide for the Perplexed. A three part letter to his student, the book was influential not only to Jewish thought but Christian and Islamic thought throughout the Middle Ages while still giving those in the 21st Century insights to consider.

The first part focuses on Maimonides arguing against the anthropomorphism of God, basically stating God is incorporeal, and all references in the Bible to God doing physical things are essentially figurative language to allow the human mind to understand the works of God. This leads into a discussion by Maimonides that states that God cannot be described in positive terms only negative conceptions because while positive terms put limits on God, the negative does not. This leads into a discussion of philosophy and mysticism of various kinds. The second part begins on Maimonides expounding on the physical structure of the universe, an essentially Aristotelian world-view, which eventually leads into a debate on if the universe is eternal or created. Though Maimonides admits that Aristotle’s arguments for an eternal universe are better, Divine Revelation decides the matter. Maimonides then expounds on the Creation presented in Genesis and theories on the possible end of the world. The last part is explained as the climax of the whole work as Maimonides expounds on the mystical passage of the Chariot found in Ezekiel, which isn’t supposed to be directly taught only hinted at though over time direct instruction has become the normal. This is followed by analysis of the moral aspects of the universe and explaining the reasons for the 613 laws in the Torah. Maimonides ends the book with how God is worshipped correctly, through wisdom.

The comparison of and thesis of complimenting of long held Jewish theological thought and Aristotelian philosophy by Maimonides could have been hard to follow, the text was more than readable and thus the arguments very understandable. While his arguments and logic are insight and enlightening, Maimonides is yet another religious individual who has married ‘pagan’ philosophy with divine revelation to the determinant of the latter like many of his Christian contemporaries were doing and their predecessors before them and many would do after. This is the book’s biggest flaw, but instead of being a reason not to read it is the main one to read it and thus understand the arguments of those who want to merge two separate worldviews into one.

The Guide for the Perplexed was intended by Maimonides for learned individuals to give his view on philosophy more than theology, however the two could not be connected within the text. While I do not adhere to the vast majority of the thoughts the author expounded upon, the insight into medieval thought were invaluable and insightful.
… (mehr)
mattries37315 | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 25, 2018 |



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