
Manning Marable (1950–2011)

Autor von Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention

40+ Werke 2,548 Mitglieder 37 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 7 Lesern

Über den Autor

Manning Marable was born in Dayton, Ohio on May 13, 1950. In 1968, he served as the local black newspaper's correspondent and marched along with thousands of others during the funeral procession for Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. He received a bachelor's degree from Earlham College in Indiana, a mehr anzeigen master's degree from the University of Wisconsin and a doctorate from the University of Maryland. He wrote around 20 books during his lifetime including How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America, The Great Wells of Democracy: The Meaning of Race in American Life, Speaking Truth to Power: Essays on Race, Resistance and Radicalism, and Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention. He was a professor of African American studies, history, political science and public affairs at Columbia University. He died from complications of pneumonia on April 1, 2011 at the age of 60. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen

Beinhaltet den Namen: Manning Marable

Bildnachweis: Photo credit: Philippe Cheng


Werke von Manning Marable

Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention (2011) 1,134 Exemplare
Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology (1999) — Herausgeber — 150 Exemplare
Herbert Aptheker on Race and and Democracy: A Reader (2006) — Herausgeber — 10 Exemplare
Freedom on My Mind (2003) 7 Exemplare
Black praxis 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke





This is a brilliant biography that is beautifully written. The deep level of research and analysis really comes through and provides a rich new understanding of Malcolm X.
lschiff | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 24, 2023 |
I feel inadequate to really review this work, but it struck me deeply all the same. Its encyclopedic coverage of the history and development of African American political activity, the growth of academic study of the African Diaspora, and analysis of blackness in American politics is fascinating, but I feel that this edition, which stops at the election of Barack Obama, is sadly outdated.

The final essay ends with a look at how an Obama presidency could be a starting point for greater social change, and multicultural unity to help counter the Neoliberal capitalistic word order, but we see now that the potential there was never realized.

It's almost sad to end there, where some hope was seen, when we know now how much worse things were going to get. But perhaps the author's passing in 2011 was a kind of blessing, since he was spared the sight of the racist backlash that lead to our current administration.

I see this as an invaluable resource in understanding the history of American politics and its impact on the lives of black Americans, especially as an examination from a Marxist understanding of class struggle.
… (mehr)
JimDR | Dec 7, 2022 |
Biografia ganhadora do prêmio Pulitzer de 2012 revela as muitas transformações e lutas na vida do mais radical militante antirracista dos Estados Unidos.

Numerosas personagens compõem as metamorfoses sofridas por Malcolm Little, o franzino filho de uma família de negros pobres nascido numa pequena cidade do Centro-Oeste americano, até sua conversão decisiva em Malcolm X, o religioso muçulmano e incendiário combatente da revolução mundial que morreu como apóstolo da paz entre os povos.
O mártir pioneiro dos direitos civis nos Estados Unidos foi sucessivamente Homeboy, Jack Carlton, Detroit Red, Big Red e Satan; Malachi Shabazz, Malik Shabazz e El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. Esses nomes de sonoridades e sentidos tão contrastantes entre si indicam os rumos contraditórios assumidos pela vida de Malcolm até o encontro definitivo com o Islã, que o levaria ao ativismo político. Ladrão, agenciador de prostitutas e viciado em drogas na década de 1940, quando também conheceu os horrores da prisão, ele abandonou o crime para abraçar com sua oratória brilhante, amparada em leituras autodidatas e nos ensinamentos do Corão, uma luta sem quartel contra o racismo e a injustiça social.
Entretanto, como demonstra Manning Marable, a mesma personalidade profundamente contestadora sempre esteve por trás das diversas máscaras sociais usadas por Malcolm. O autor acompanha os passos desse gigante afro-americano ao longo de dezenas de cidades dos Estados Unidos, além das viagens à África, à Europa e ao Oriente Médio como porta-voz da revolta dos descendentes de escravos e dos direitos dos oprimidos.
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andreluizss | 28 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 25, 2022 |
"In the 1990s, new forms of racism structure the lives of people of color in ways that are simultaneously less obvious and more treacherous. Black Liberation in Conservative America chronicles these developments -- including the globalization of capital and an expanding prison system -- against the backdrop of rising conservatism and the insinuation of rightwing ideologies into Black community formations. Marable contests what he considers to be an ineffectual emphasis on electoral politics and argues that the future of black liberation will have to be fought out on a civil terrain. This work offers invaluable theoretical and practical guidance to scholars and activists alike." -- Angela Davis… (mehr)
PendleHillLibrary | Mar 29, 2022 |



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