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Über den Autor

John Merriman is the Charles Seymour Professor of History at Yale University, where he regularly teaches the survey of modern European history. A specialist in nineteenth French history, Merriman earned his PhD at the University of Michigan. He is the author of many books, including Massacre: The mehr anzeigen Life and Death of the Paris Commune, The Dynamite Club: How a Bombing in Fin-de-Siecle Paris Ignited the Age of Modern Terror, and The Stones of Balazue: A French Village in Time (Norton, 2002). In 2018, he won the American Historical Association's Award for Scholarly Distinction, recognizing lifetime of achievement. weniger anzeigen


Werke von John Merriman

1830 in France (1975) 10 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke

Blue Mountains dreaming: The aboriginal heritage (1993) — Herausgeber, einige Ausgaben24 Exemplare



Rechtmäßiger Name
Merriman, John Mustard
Battle Creek, Michigan, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Oregon, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
University of Michigan (Ph.D.)
University of Michigan (B.A.)
Yale University
Preise und Auszeichnungen
Yale University Byrnes-Sewall Teaching Prize (2000)
France (Docteur Honoris Causa, 2002)
Medal Kimisji Edukacji Narodowej (2009)
John Merriman is Charles Seymour Professor of History at Yale University. Specializing in French and modern European history, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His publications include The Agony of the Republic: The Repression of the Left in Revolutionary France, 1848-1851, A History of Modern Europe Since the Renaissance, and Police Stories: Making the French State, 1815-1851. He is currently at work on Dynamite: Emile Henry, the Café Terminus, and the Origins of Modern Terrorism in Fin-de-Siecle Paris. In 2000, Professor Merriman was the recipient of the Yale University Byrnes-Sewall Teaching Prize.

John Merriman, who received his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, teaches French and Modern European history. His books include The Agony of the Republic: The Repression of the Left in Revolutionary France, 1848-1851 (1978); The Red City: Limoges and the French Nineteenth Century (1985), published in French as Limoges, la Ville Rouge (1990); The Margins of City Life: Explorations on the French Urban Frontier (1991), French edition Aux marges de la ville; faubourgs et banlieues en France 1815-1870 (1994); A History of Modern Europe since the Renaissance, 2 vols. (1996; second edition 2002, third edition 2009, under contract for translation into Chinese); and The Stones of Balazuc: A French Village in Time (2002, under contract for translation into Chinese), available in French as Mêmoires de pierres: Balazuc, village ardéchois (Paris, 2005), and in Dutch, as well as Chinese (2014); and Police Stories: Making the French State, 1815-1851 (Oxford UP, 2005).

His edited books include 1830 in France (1975); Consciousness and Class Experience in Nineteenth-Century Europe (1979); French Cities in the Nineteenth Century (1981); For Want of a Horse: Chance and Humor in History (1985); Edo and Paris: Urban Life and the State in Early Modern Europe (with James McClain and Ugawa Kaoru, 1994); and co-edited (and contributed to), with Jay Winter: The Encyclopedia of Europe, 1789-1914 and The Encyclopedia of Europe, 1914-2006, (each 5 volumes, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006). His entries in the latter include “The French Suburban Riots, 2005” and “The Rolling Stones.”

Dynamite Club: How A Café Bombing Ignited the Age of Modern Terror was published by Houghton-Mifflin in 2009, by JR Books in London, and in French translation by Tallandier as Dynamite Club: L’Invention du Terrorisme à Paris. It is forthcoming in Chinese. Massacre: The Life and Death of the Paris Commune was published by Basic Books in New York in 2014 and by Yale University Press in Great Britain (and is forthcoming in Dutch and Portuguese in Brazil). He is currently working on Victor Serge and the Bonnot Gang in fin-de-siècle France. .

Merriman received Yale University’s Harwood F. Byrnes/Richard B. Sewall Teaching Prize in 2000, and was awarded a Docteur Honoris Causa in France in 2002, and the “Medal of Meritorious Service to Polish Education” (Medal Kimisji Edukacji Narodowej) awarded by the Ministry of Education of Poland in 2009. Two of his courses are available on line and YouTube through Yale—France since 1871 and Europe, 1648-1945.



En su cuarto en la periferia parisina, Émile Henry coloca un cartucho de dinamita en el interior de una tartera metálica de obrero. Luego, guarda la bomba en uno de los bolsillos de su abrigo y, armado con su pistola, un cuchillo y un profundo anhelo de libertad, sale por la puerta. Poco después, los cristales del escaparate del sofisticado Café Terminus se hacen añicos, un burgués pierde la vida y otros veinte resultan heridos. Era 12 de febrero de 1894 y acababa de estallar la era del terrorismo moderno.

El club de la dinamita es el magnético relato de quienes se alzaron contra el poder establecido, de aquellos que culpaban al capitalismo, a la religión, al Ejército y al Estado de las desgracias de la clase obrera a finales del siglo xix. Su autor, el distinguido historiador John Merriman, muestra cómo el terrorismo moderno comenzó en París aquel 12 de febrero, cuando Émile Henry cometió un ataque contra personas inocentes. Desde entonces, vivimos bajo la amenaza permanente del terrorismo, de ataques que no tienen necesariamente como blanco ni a jefes de Estado ni oficiales de uniforme, sino que cualquiera puede ser el objetivo. Como Merriman demuestra, en el pecho del terrorista pueden latir las más nobles causas y luchas, pero no por ello dejará de ser inmisericorde y terrible.
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meltxor | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 18, 2022 |
La Comuna de 1871, uno de los capítulos más dramáticos en la historia de la Europa del siglo XIX, fue un experimento revolucionario ecléctico que disputó el poder en París a través de ocho semanas entre el 18 de marzo y 28 de mayo. Su breve gobierno terminó en «Semana Sangrienta» la masacre brutal de 15.000 parisinos, quizá más, que perecieron a manos de las fuerzas del gobierno provisional. Se quemó gran parte de las calles de la ciudad habían sido incendiadas y se derribaron muchos de sus monumentos. Se investigó a más de 40.000 parisinos, quienes fueron encarcelados o forzados al exilio. Una purga de la sociedad parisina realizada por un gobierno nacional conservador más preocupados por la pila de escombros que se acumulaban en las calles que de las numerosas muertes de los resistentes.
En este relato apasionante, John Merriman explora las raíces radicales y revolucionarias de la Comuna, esboza vívidos retratos de los comuneros, los trabajadores, artistas famosos y mujeres que, como la Libertad guiando al pueblo, invitaban a la batalla y su vida cotidiana detrás de las barricadas y el análisis de las consecuencias que entrañó la Comuna para la configuración del Estado y la construcción de la soberanía en Francia y la Europa moderna. Apasionante, evocador y profundamente conmovedora, esta narración ofrece una visión completa de un momento decisivo en la evolución del terrorismo de Estado y la resistencia popular.
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meltxor | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 18, 2022 |
While I felt it could have benefited from tighter editing, it was nonetheless an interesting and informative read.
heggiep | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 20, 2021 |
The title might imply that this is a jaunty true crime read, but Ballad of the Anarchist Bandits: The Crime Spree that Gripped Belle Époque Paris is more a study of the social inequalities, political corruption, and injustices which shaped life for so many in early twentieth-century France, and which attracted many working-class people to socialist and anarchist political movements. A small group of anarchists, the so-called Bonnot Gang, began a string of crime spree in 1911 the brutality of which led to widespread public panic.

John Merriman does a good job at scene-setting, but I found the structure a bit muddled and such a dramatic story curiously lacking in heft as a historical event. Is there more to be gleaned from the story of the Bonnot Gang than "vast inequities of wealth and power create disaffected people, and some disaffected people will act out violently"? (Hello, 2021!) Maybe, but I'm not sure that I got that here.
… (mehr)
siriaeve | Feb 12, 2021 |


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