5 Werke 253 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Lieutenant Colonel Mike Snook is a graduate of Leicester University, Sandhurst and the Army Staff College at Camberley and is still a serving officer. His service record includes operational tours in Afghanistan, Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Sudan. He is currently stationed in South Africa. In 2000 mehr anzeigen he was awarded the MBE. He is the author of Into the Jaws of Death, Like Wolves on the Fold and the forthcoming Beyond the Reach of Empire. weniger anzeigen

Werke von Mike Snook



Monmouthshire, Wales, UK
University of Leicester
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Army Staff College
military advisor
Born in Monmouthshire, Lieutenant Colonel Mike Snook is a lifelong professional soldier.

After graduating successively from Leicester University and Sandhurst, he was commissioned into the Royal Regiment of Wales in 1984. Since then he has served all around the world, including active service in regimental and staff appointments in Afghanistan, Bosnia, South Armagh and Belfast.
In recent years he has worked as a British military adviser in South Africa and as the Chief Instructor of the Tactical Intelligence Branch at the Defence College of Intelligence.

Presently on the HQ staff at the Defence Academy, he is utilizing his spare time to read for a PhD.

Colonel Mike Snook was commissioned into the Royal Regiment of Wales and over the ensuing 30 years served all round the world in command, operations and intelligence appointments. He spent two thirds of his career overseas and saw extensive active service in four campaigns. He is a graduate of Leicester University, Sandhurst and the Army Staff College. Twice honored for operational distinction, he was awarded the MBE in 2000. He spent four years as a British military adviser in South Africa and latterly was the head of the UN's J3 Operations staff in Khartoum. A recognized authority on the military history of the Victorian era, he is the author of How Can Man Die Better: the Secrets of Isandlwana Revealed, Like Wolves on the Fold: The Defence of Rorke's Drift, Into the Jaws of Death: British Military Blunders 1879-1900 and Go Strong into the Desert: The Mahdist Uprising 1881-5.



The defense of Rorke’s Drift by not more than 100 men against a Zulu army of several thousand warriors is a touchstone event in English history. It displays all the traits the English want to be seen to have: brave, calm underdogs using superior discipline and military know-how to defeat a much bigger enemy. A hit film in the 1960’s featuring a new young star straight from Swinging London, Michael Caine, didn’t hurt either.

Snook has written a purely military history of the action and focuses on the single day and night of the battle. A brief preamble describes the lead-in to the battle following the major British defeat at Isandlwana. For all the flat reconstruction of the facts of the battle Snook has produced a very readable narrative that maintains the excitement and tension of the action very well. As a serving soldier Snook is very well able through his own admiration of what these soldiers did to show us that real military action, and real bravery, is nothing like the movies.

If you want a book that explores a wider perspective than the specific action on the day of battle, or that takes an interest in the personalities, characters and their thoughts then avoid this. There is very little reported speech nor much blood-curdling description of how men fought and died.

This is a book that provides excitement and tension through a matter-of-fact style that does describe one of the great heroic feats of modern warfare. Read it if only to learn how men react in the face of certain death and rejoice in how they become selfless brothers and quiet heroes.
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pierthinker | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 18, 2012 |
To begin with let me say that this book is written about one of my favorite all-time subjects, the defence of Rourke's Drift during the Zulu War. With this knowledge I knew I would derive some enjoyment from the book. I would recommend 4 stars for the book if it were for a casual reader who was not that particularly interested in military history. But to the student, I can only muster up 3.
It is a workable piece on the battle, but I've read a few others that were much more informative and engaging. Mr. Snook is an ex-military man, as am I, and I can recognize his approach and style to recounting the event. That particular style never lends itself to very enjoyable reading. Why is it that professional soldiers never make great authors?
There is the perception that Mr. Snook considers his work as the "definitive" piece on the subject. He discredits other books, and even some of the contemporary sources, on the battle without really any explaination as to why they are wrong and he is right. I got the sense that he would be happy if we all threw our other books on the battle away and coronated his as the Bible of the battle. Any teacher, student, professional, or amatuer historian knows better. The more sources the better, this being just another source.
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Poleaxe | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 31, 2008 |
A well written book that shines light on the little known conflicts of the British Army during the High Victorian era. It describes the defeats suffered by the British army from 1879 to 1903 around the world, but mostly in Asia and Africa.

Highly recommended.
barleywine | Mar 22, 2008 |

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½ 4.3

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