
Gordon W. Allport (1897–1967)

Autor von The Nature of Prejudice

30+ Werke 969 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern

Über den Autor

Gordon W. Allport, the chief founder of the psychological study of personality and the informal dean of American psychologists during his lifetime, was born in Montezuma, Indiana. He came East to study at Harvard University, and, while doing social work as an undergraduate, discovered that, in mehr anzeigen order to help people deal effectively with their problems, he needed a lifelike psychology of human personality. Developing a full-bodied theory of personality that would do justice to the attitudes, values, and traits of the unique individual life became his goal. After graduating from Harvard in 1919, he studied in Germany and traveled in Europe. At the age of 22, he managed a meeting with Sigmund Freud in Vienna, at which Freud mistook his nervous attempt to strike up a conversation by relating an incident he had just witnessed on a train for a confession of his own childhood trauma. This helped convince Allport that depth psychology often erred in slighting manifest motives in favor of probing the unconscious for hidden motives. When he returned to the United States in 1924, Allport was appointed to a teaching position at Harvard, where he remained for most of his career. His research on attitudes, values, religion, group conflict, and prejudice, as well as his extensive writings on what he called an "open system" of personality, are quoted extensively in the contemporary literature of psychology. Allport died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1967. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen
Bildnachweis: Harvard College

Werke von Gordon W. Allport

The Nature of Prejudice (1954) 393 Exemplare
Letters from Jenny (1965) — Herausgeber — 29 Exemplare
The Psychology of Rumor (1947) 27 Exemplare
Stereotypes and Prejudice: Essential Readings (2000) — Mitwirkender — 12 Exemplare
ABC's of scapegoating (1983) 6 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke

trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen. Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager. (1946) — Vorwort, einige Ausgaben15,873 Exemplare
Psychologie (1892) — Herausgeber, einige Ausgaben347 Exemplare
Existential Psychology (1960) — Mitwirkender, einige Ausgaben117 Exemplare
Psychology for the Fighting Man (1943) — Mitwirkender — 19 Exemplare
The art of group conversation : a new breakthrough in social communication (1963) — Vorwort, einige Ausgaben14 Exemplare





Librería 3. Estante 1
atman2019 | Jul 22, 2019 |
A distinguished psychologist outlines here the need for a psychology of becoming, of the growth and development of personality that he says "can best be discovered by looking within ourselves." Modern psychology is in a dilemma, Allpost states, for it has trimmed down the image of man as a free democractic being. He appraises the present state of the psychology of personality and indicates its relevance to human welfare and religion. This volume is based on the Terry Lectures, which the author delivered at Yale University in 1954.… (mehr)
PSZC | Apr 17, 2019 |


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