Figuren/CharaktereRudyard Kipling

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (194)

1000 jaar strijd tussen Hindoes en Mohammedanen : duizendjarig conflict India Pakistan (AO-boekje 1080) von C.J.J. WiedhaupNobelprijswinnaar van de literatuur
Above the Dreamless Dead: World War I in Poetry and Comics von Chris Duffy
After the Victorians von A. N. Wilson
The age of Kipling von John J. Gross
America's First Dynasty: The Adamses, 1735–1918 von Richard Brookhiser
Around the World with Kipling von Rudyard Kipling
The Art of Rudyard Kipling von J. M. S. Tompkins
Aspects of Kipling's art (ex) von C. A. Bodelsen
The Barbary Coast: An Informal History of the San Francisco Underworld von Herbert Asbury
Bateman's von National Trust
Bateman's : East Sussex von Adam Nicolson
Bertolt Brecht und Rudyard Kipling. von James K. Lyon
A Book of Poetry von W. M. Smyth
Brazilian Sketches von Rudyard Kipling
THE BRITISH LITERARY BALLAD: A Study in Poetic Imitation von Jr. G. Malcolm Laws
British Poets and Secret Societies von Marie Roberts
The Cambridge Companion to Rudyard Kipling von Howard J. Booth
The Cambridge Introduction to British Fiction, 1900-1950 von Robert L. Caserio
A Circle of Sisters: Alice Kipling, Georgiana Burne Jones, Agnes Poynter, and Louisa Baldwin von Judith Flanders
Collecting our thoughts von Margaret Ratcliffe
Conan Doyle: The Man Who Created Sherlock Holmes von Andrew Lycett
A Cornishman at Oxford von A. L. Rowse
The Coward von Rudyard Kipling
Culture Wars in British Literature: Multiculturalism and National Identity von Tracy J. Prince
Dawn of the Jihad von Classic Battletech
The Day's Work: Kipling and the Idea of Sacrifice von John Coates
Death at Rottingdean von Robin Paigecharacter
A dictionary of the characters and scenes in the stories and poems of Rudyard Kipling : 1886-1911 von William Arthur Young
The Eighteen Nineties von Holbrook Jackson
Empire of Analogies: Kipling, India and Ireland von Kaori Nagai
Empire's Children: Empire and Imperialism in Classic British Children's Books von M. Daphne Kutzer
England: 1000 Things You Need to Know von Nicholas Hobbes
Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose von Nancy Springer
The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease and Inheritance by Carey, Nessa (2012) Paperback von Nessa Carey
Essays (Penguin) von George Orwell
The Etymologicon: A Circular Stroll Through the Hidden Connections of the English Language von Mark Forsyth
Evolution von John Peelcharacter
The Evolution of the Weird Tale von S. T. Joshi
The fantastic invasion: Kipling, Conrad and Lawson von Lynn Sunderland
The Fifth Heart von Dan Simmons
From Bombay to Southsea: the two childhoods of Rudyard Kipling von Norman Page
From Dickens to Hardy von Boris Ford
From Palm to Pine: Rudyard Kipling Abroad von Marghanita Laski
The Good Kipling: Studies in the Short Story von Elliot L. Gilbert
The Great Anglo-Boer War von Byron Farwell
Great Kipling Stories Together With A Life of Rudyard Kipling von Rudyard Kipling
Great Poets: Rudyard Kipling (Great English Poets) von Geoffrey Moore
A Handbook to the Poetry of Rudyard Kipling von Ralph Durand
The Hated Wife: Carrie Kipling 1862-1939 (Short Lives) von Adam Nicolson
The Horologicon: A Day's Jaunt Through the Lost Words of the English Language von Mark Forsyth
Hugh Walpole von Rupert Hart-Davis
If: The Untold Story of Kipling's American Years von Christopher Benfey
The imperial imagination : magic and myth in Kipling's India von Lewis D. Wurgaft
Imperial Subjects Imperial Space: Rudyard Kipling's Fiction of the Native- von JOHN MCBRATNEY
An Introduction to Children's Literature von Peter Hunt
Jack Frost: The End Becomes the Beginning von William Joyce
The Jungle Law von Victoria Vintoncharacter
Die Jäger. Battletech Band 40 von Thomas S. Gressman
A ken of Kipling : being a biographical sketch of Rudyard Kipling, with an appreciation and some anecdotes von William Montgomery Clemens
Ketzer: Eine Verteidigung der Orthodoxie gegen ihre Verächter. Plädoyer gegen die Gleichgültigkeit: Eine Verteidigung der Orthodoxie gegen ihre ... die Gleichgültigkeit (insel taschenbuch) von Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Kipling von Jad Adams
Kipling von T. R. Henn
Kipling von Gloria Kamen
Kipling & Conrad, the colonial fiction von John A. McClure
Kipling '86: Papers Read at the University of Sussex in May 1986 as Part of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Rudyard Kipling's Death von Angus Ross
Kipling [acrylic] von Jamie Shovlin
Kipling [drip] von Jamie Shovlin
Kipling And Afghanistan: A Study of the Young Author As Journalist Writing on the Afghan Border Crisis of 1884-1885 von Neil K. Moran
Kipling and His First Publisher: Correspondence of Rudyard Kipling with Thacker, Spink & Co. von Rudyard Kipling
Kipling and the Critics von Elliot L. Gilbert
A Kipling Chronology von Harold Orel
Kipling Considered von Phillip Mallett
Kipling in Gloucester: The Writing of Captain Courageous von David C. McAveeney
Kipling Interviews and Recollections: v. 2 (Interviews & recollections) von Harold Orel
Kipling Sahib: India and the Making of Rudyard Kipling 1865-1900 von Charles Allen
The Kipling that nobody reads von Thomas Pinney
Kipling's "Law": A Study of His Philosophy of Life von Shamsul Islam
Kipling's art of fiction, 1884-1901 von David Sergeant
Kipling's Choice von Geert Spillebeen
Kipling's India von Arley Munson
Kipling's India von Khushwant Singh
Kipling's Japan: Collected Writings von Rudyard Kipling
Kipling's Mind and Art: Selected Critical Essays von Andrew Rutherford
Kipling's Sussex von R. Thurston Hopkins
Kipling's Sussex von Michael Smith
Kipling, Auden and Company: Essays and Reviews, 1935-1964 von Randall Jarrell
Kipling: Interviews and Recollections, Volume I von Harold Orel
Kipling: The Glass, the Shadow and the Fire von Philip Mason
Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit von Yuval Noah Harari
Letters of Note - Briefe, die die Welt bedeuten von Shaun Usher
Letters of Rudyard Kipling (Vol 5) von Rudyard Kipling
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling, Volume 1: 1872-89 von Rudyard Kipling
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling, Volume 2: 1890-99 von Rudyard Kipling
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling, Volume 3: 1900-10 von Rudyard Kipling
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling, Volume 4: 1911-19 von Rudyard Kipling
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling: 6 Volume Set von Rudyard Kipling
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling: Volume 6: 1931-36 von Rudyard Kipling
The Lion and the Tiger: The Rise and Fall of the British Raj, 1600-1947 von Denis Judd
The Long Recessional: The Imperial Life of Rudyard Kipling von David Gilmour
The Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters. Vol. 1, 1955-56 von Rupert Hart-Davis
The Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters. Vol. 4, 1959 von Rupert Hart-Davis
Manly Pursuits von Ann Harriescharacter
Meine lieben Kinder. Briefe 1906 - 1915. von Rudyard Kipling
More Please von Barry Humphries
Musical World of Walt Disney von David Tietyen
My Boy Jack [2007 film] von Brian Kirk
My Boy Jack?: The Search for Kipling's Only Son von Tonie Holt
The mythology of imperialism: Rudyard Kipling, Joseph Conrad, E. M. Forster, D. H. Lawrence, and Joyce Cary von Jonah Raskin
Nijinsky von Richard Buckle
Nobel Prize Library Sets von Nobel Prize Library
Nobel Prize Library: Kawabata, Kipling, Lewis von Nobel Prize Library
On Running After One's Hat von G. K. Chesterton
The Pater: John Lockwood Kipling, His Life and Times 1837-1911 von Arthur R. Ankers
Pax Britannica: the Climax of an Empire von James Morris
Percy Grainger's Kipling Settings von Kay Dreyfus
Philosophy: A Discovery in Comics von Margreet de Heer
The Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: Rousing the Nation von Ann Parry
Portsmouth novelists von David Francis
The Prince and the Prosecutor von Peter J. Heckcharacter
A Profound Secret: May Gaskell, her daughter Amy, and Edward Burne-Jones von Josceline Dimbleby
Prophets, Priests, and Kings von A. G. Gardiner
Quest for Kim: In Search of Kipling's Great Game von Peter Hopkirk
Redemption Rift von Jason Schmetzer
Restless Spirit: The Life and Work of Dorothea Lange von Elizabeth Partridge
The Rise of Tolkienian Fantasy von Jared C. Lobdell
Le roman anglais contemporain: George Meredith, Thomas Hardy, Mme Humphry Ward, Rudyard Kipling, H.G. Wells von Firmin Roz
Rudyard Kipling von Martin Seymour-Smith
Rudyard Kipling von James Harrison
Rudyard Kipling von Martin Fido
Rudyard Kipling von Rupert Croft Cooke
Rudyard Kipling von Frederick Winston Furneaux Smith Birkenhead
Rudyard Kipling von Bonamy Dobree
Rudyard Kipling von Andrew Lycett
Rudyard Kipling (Bloom's Major Short Story Writers) von Harold Bloom
Rudyard Kipling (Bloom's Modern Critical Views) von Harold Bloom
Rudyard Kipling (Walck monograph) von Rosemary Sutcliff
Rudyard Kipling - Craftsman von george macmunn
Rudyard Kipling and His World von Kingsley Amis
Rudyard Kipling and Sir Henry Rider Haggard on Screen, Stage, Radio and Television von Philip Leibfried
Rudyard Kipling at Bateman’s, East Sussex: National Trust Guidebook von Oliver Garnett
Rudyard Kipling Creative Adventurer von Seon Manley
Rudyard Kipling in Vermont: Birthplace of the Jungle Books von Stuart Murray
Rudyard Kipling man, poet, mason von John Webb
Rudyard Kipling the critical heritage von Roger Lancelyn Green
Rudyard Kipling to Rider Haggard von Morton Cohen
Rudyard Kipling's India von Kanatur Bhaskara Rao
Rudyard Kipling: A Bibliography von David Alan Richards
Rudyard Kipling: a criticism ... With a bibliography by John Lane von Richard Le Gallienne
Rudyard Kipling: A Literary Life von Phillip Mallett
Rudyard Kipling: A New Appreciation von Hilton Brown
Rudyard Kipling: A Study in Literature and Political Ideas von Edward Shanks
Rudyard Kipling: A Study of the Short Fiction von Helen P. Bauer
Rudyard Kipling: Author of the Jungle Books von Carol Greene
Rudyard Kipling: His Life and Work von Charles Carrington
Rudyard Kipling: Something of Myself and Other Autobiographical Writings von Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling: The Books I Leave Behind von David Alan Richards
The Ruling Caste: Imperial Lives in the Victorian Raj von David Gilmour
Sayings of Rudyard Kipling (Duckworth Sayings Series) von A. Rutherford
School Days with Kipling von G. C. Beresford
Science Fiction Handbook, Revised von L. Sprague de Camp
Secrets of East Sussex von Sandy Hernu
Slightly Foxed 33: A World of Shining Beauty von Gail Pirkis'Puck of Pook's Hill'
Slightly Foxed 54: An Unlikely Duo von Gail PirkisIndian stories and poems
Slightly Foxed 55: Billiards, Tobacco and Wine von Gail PirkisIndian stories and poems
Slightly Foxed 56: Making the Best of It von Gail Pirkis'Captains Courageous'
Something of Myself For My Friends, Known and Unknown von Rudyard Kipling
Something of Rudyard Kipling and His Works von Macmillan
Something of Themselves: Kipling, Kingsley, Conan Doyle and the Anglo-Boer War von Sarah LeFanu
Stalky's Reminiscences von L. C. Dunsterville
The Story of English in 100 Words von David Crystal
The Strange Ride of Rudyard Kipling: His Life and Works von Angus Wilson
Sussex Writers & Artists (Sussex Guide) von Edward Lucie-Smith
Sussex: A Kipling Anthology von Leslie Benenson
These Wonderful People von Noel Ames
Three Blind Mice: The Dark History of Nursery Rhymes von Albert Jack
Three Bodley Head Monographs. Arthur Ransome, Rudyard Kipling, Walter De La Mare von Hugh Shelley
Three Houses von Angela Thirkell
Thro' the Year with Kipling. Being a Year-Book of Selections From the Earlier Works of Mr. Rudyard Kipling with an Introduction and Bibliography von Rudyard Kipling
The Titanic: End of A Dream von Wyn Craig Wade
Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia von Karl E. Meyer
Tracking the Man-beasts: Sasquatch, Vampires, Zombies, and More von Joe Nickell
An Unconventional Wife: the life of Julia Sorell Arnold von Mary Hoban
The Unforgiving Minute: A Life of Rudyard Kipling von Harry Ricketts
The Unwritten, Bd. 1: The Unwritten oder das wirkliche Leben: Tom Taylor und die gefälschte Identität von Mike CareyJoseph Rudyard Kipling
The Unwritten: The Deluxe Edition Book One von Mike Carey
Victorian Poetry and Poetics von Walter E. Houghton
Victorian Quest Romance : Stevenson, Haggard, Kipling, and Conan Doyle von Robert Fraser
Victorian Sisters: The Remarkable Macdonald Women and the Great Men They Inspired von Ina Taylor
The Victorians von A. N. Wilson
War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches von Kevin J. AndersonJoseph Rudyard Kipling
Welcome to Batemans : A pocket guide to the garden's spring and summer highlights : The glory of the garden von National Trust
The Writer's Voice von A. Alvarez
Writers: Their Lives and Works von James Naughtie
Die Zeit-Odyssee von Arthur C. Clarke