Hands Across the Sea Book Club

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This is a group to promote international understanding and goodwill by bringing together people who care about books but who might be from different cultures to show that we are all the same once we stop pointing out the differences between us. Any topic is acceptable except that people shouldn't criticize other people's writing styles. After a vote of all members, it was decided that we should have a topic for discussion and the members have decided that we should become a book club and discuss books that can help bring people together so that we can explore the differences among cultures to identify those things which are not different so that we can all be the same. The members have voted that What Color is Your Parachute? should be the first book for discussion.

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Great News!!!!!3 ungelesen / 3andyray, Mai 2010
eulogy1 ungelesen / 1andyray, Februar 2008
Christmas Membership Offer5 ungelesen / 5andyray, Dezember 2007
Spreading the Word18 ungelesen / 18amancine, Dezember 2007
the longest inane sentence contest12 ungelesen / 12andyray, November 2007
Singapore Fiction: (1) Criticism (Bibliography)/ (2) Catherine Lim22 ungelesen / 22skoobdo, November 2007
election for president7 ungelesen / 7Jargoneer, November 2007
ASSIGNMENT FOR ALL MEMBERS6 ungelesen / 6Jargoneer, November 2007
Don't you care?53 ungelesen / 53myshelves, November 2007
World Kindness Movement: A Path To World Peace2 ungelesen / 2WashingtonSquare, November 2007
World Diplomacy1 ungelesen / 1skoobdo, November 2007
Singapore Fiction: Stimulating Insights1 ungelesen / 1skoobdo, November 2007
IMPORTANT NOTICE AND GOOD NEWS5 ungelesen / 5andyray, Oktober 2007
Welcome7 ungelesen / 7andyray, Oktober 2007
NOTICE TO MEMBERS5 ungelesen / 5timspalding, Oktober 2007
Classic Books6 ungelesen / 6Turpentine, Dezember 2006
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