Kingdom of Atlantia

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This group includes the personal libraries of the populace of the Kingdom of Atlantia. Note: This group is not sponsored by nor affiliated with the SCA, Inc or the Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc. It is simply a way for us to share our libraries and knowledge contained within them!

From here you can leave a message for the owner of a book or sometimes find it online to buy for yourself. If you are looking for a specific book for research purposes, contact the owners of individual books to arrange viewings/loans. Such agreements are solely between lender and borrower. The Kingdom of Atlantia, the SCA, or is NOT responsible for books that are loaned. Happy researching!

When cataloging, it is helpful to mark books appropriate to this group with the tags "Atlantian Reference Library" or "SCA". You may also wish to include lending/viewing options in the comments section. (ie. view at my home, will bring to events, will lend for one month, etc.)

ThemaThemaPosteingangLetzter Beitrag 
Revival2 ungelesen / 2LilPatoodle, November 2019
Any new books?1 ungelesen / 1sorchadeglys, Februar 2013
Library Update2 ungelesen / 2LilPatoodle, Dezember 2011
Atlantian Library at this weekend's University!1 ungelesen / 1sorchadeglys, Juni 2010
Library corner at KASF1 ungelesen / 1sorchadeglys, Februar 2010
Tournaments Illuminated3 ungelesen / 3Vrederun, August 2008
Luttrell Psalter Facsimile Available!1 ungelesen / 1sorchadeglys, August 2007
Museum of London Books4 ungelesen / 4AZPapillion, Januar 2007
Leveraging LibraryThing to help my fellow researchers1 ungelesen / 1asim, September 2006
Tagging books for the Atlantian Reference Library8 ungelesen / 8asim, September 2006
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