
Sleeps With Angels
Dave Hutchinson is one of today’s finest science fiction writers. His latest novel, Europe in Autumn (2014), has garnered praise from critics and readers alike and is currently shortlisted for the BSFA Award. Sleeps With Angels is his first collection in more than a decade, featuring the author’s choice of his short fiction during that time, including “The Incredible Exploding Man”, selected by Gardner Dozois for his Year’s Best Science Fiction in 2012, and a brand new story “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi”, original to this collection. “Hutchinson knows how to write dialogue, how to plot, how to pace, and best of all he writes characters – both main characters, and walk-on figures – that just lift off the page, alive, distinct, believable.” – Adam Roberts. “Hutchinson’s writing is so good he’d be worth reading no matter what genre he tackled. And if he doesn’t use some part of this review as a blurb then he’s just being difficult.” – Cary Watson, Jettison Cocoon. “I first encountered his stories in the mid-1980s and even then they seemed to me to have an almost indefinable ‘rightness’ about them, something that emerged from a combination of well-crafted writing and a good eye for a ‘human’ story, practiced but not polished to inhuman perfection. That sense of ‘rightness’ has matured beautifully in the last thirty or so years...” – Maureen Kincaid-Speller “Dave Hutchinson is always interesting, always powerful, often chillingly so, as he pokes around in the dark underbelly of the modern age. It’s always a pleasure to see new work from him.” – Lou Anders, Editorial Director of Pyr Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Fortunate Isles 3. Sugar Engines 4. Dalí’s Clocks 5. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi 6. All The News, All The Time, From Everywhere 7. The Incredible Exploding Man 8. About the Author
General Fiction, Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
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NewCon Press (Verleger)
(User: NewConPress)
March 2015
Startet: 2015-03-02
Abgeschlossen: 2015-03-30
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