
Breach of Trust
Reihen: Jason Kolarich (2)
Jason Kolarich, former college linebacker and former up-and-coming criminal defense attorney, has spent the last year struggling to recover from a horrific tragedy: the death of his wife and baby daughter in a car accident. On the night of their deaths, Kolarich was at the office, awaiting a call that never came. The call—from a confidential informant named Ernesto Ramirez—was supposed to give Kolarich evidence to exonerate his client, powerful politician Hector Amundo, charged with corruption and conspiracy to commit murder. But the confidential informant wound up dead, most likely because someone knew he was about to spill the beans. Kolarich blames himself not only for his wife and child’s death—he should have been driving that night—but for the death of the informant as well. He can’t bring back his family, but he can find out who killed Ernesto Ramirez, and hopefully bring the murderer to justice. Problem is, Ernesto Ramirez was in bed with some very bad people. Kolarich’s guns-blazing approach to justice lands him smack in the middle of an FBI probe of Illinois’s deeply corrupt and notoriously foul-mouthed governor. Kolarich had tried to go outside the law, but to avoid jail, he’s forced to wear a wire and enters into a world of wiretaps, double-dealing and kickbacks. But as he works his way up the ladder and wins the crooked governor’s trust, Kolarich discovers that the murder of his informant was only the tip of the iceberg. The breach of trust runs up to the highest levels of power, and exposing it may drag Kolarich into the fight of his life.
General Fiction, Suspense & Thriller, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Putnam Books (Verleger)
(User: PutnamBooks)
December 2010
Startet: 2010-12-15
Abgeschlossen: 2011-01-04
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