
Make Love to the Universe: Himalayan Masters Share Spiritual Wisdom
Make Love to the Universe is Phoenix Desmond’s account of his experience walking the Himalayas under the guidance of compassionate spirits from Sirius. With their assistance, he returns to an ancient way of life remarkably similar to that of the Buddha, abandoning both his possessions and preconceptions to live among the poorest of poor in India. Written from the perspective of both Phoenix and the accompanying Sirians, this fast-paced, captivating narrative traces their quest to find Master babaji, an immortal being capable of eliminating suffering. Along the way, the Sirians employ the vivid imagery of Phoenix’s natural surroundings to reintroduce the universal language of the heart—a method of perception that enables us to use spheres of energy to instantly connect with any life-form. The practical, heart-centered exercises they offer are intended to aid in the global transition towards a unified collective, and can be applied by anyone. A unique blend of humorous storytelling, powerful channeling, and keen observation, it is at its essence a timeless love story between one man and the universe that reminds us of our unlimited potential. Those who take the plunge with Phoenix into the depths of love will find that while his journey was extraordinary, both the struggles he endured, and the triumphs he celebrated were not unlike those we encounter in our everyday lives.
Religion & Spirituality, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
Wolf Trail Press (Verleger)
(User: wolftrailpress)
May 2011
Startet: 2011-05-04
Abgeschlossen: 2011-05-30
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