
Love At Absolute Zero
Love At Absolute Zero is the story of Gunnar Gunderson, a 32-year-old physicist at the University of Wisconsin. The moment he’s given tenure at the university, he can only think of finding a wife, causing his research into what happens to atoms near absolute zero to falter. To meet his soul mate within three days—that’s what he wants and all time he can carve out—he and his team are using the scientific method, to riotous results. You may fall for Gunnar who nonetheless can be as clueless as John Kennedy Toole's Ignatius J. Reilly in A Confederacy of Dunces. Can Gunnar make it in this world of normal people? What will happen if and when he goes to Denmark? Gunnar plunges into love--and learns the cold, hard facts. "As engaging as it is amusing, Love at Absolute Zero is, ultimately, a heartfelt study of the tension between the head and heart, science and emotion, calculation and chance." - Marc Schuster, Small Press Reviews “It is impossible not to like Gunnar Gunderson,” says ,b>critic Sam Sattler of Book Chase. “As he progresses from one disaster or near miss to the next, one views him with a mixture of compassion and laughter, but he is such a good-hearted young man that it is impossible not to root for him.” “As if Einstein didn’t struggle hard enough failing at a unified field theory,” says Philip Persinger, author of Do The Math, “Meeks ups the ante by tossing philosophy, anthropology, hashish, and love (with a capital L) into the mix. And while we’re so sorry, Uncle Albert, in Love At Absolute Zero, Meeks succeeds absolutely.”
General Fiction, Romance, Fiction and Literature
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White Whisker Books (Verleger)
(User: White_Whisker_Books)
July 2011
Startet: 2011-07-05
Abgeschlossen: 2011-08-01
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