VerlagsreiheUniversity of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures

Herodes und Mariamne von Friedrich Hebbel 40 Exemplare3
Unity and Language: A Study in the Philosophy of Johann Georg Hamann (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures, Number six) von James O'Flaherty 6 Exemplare6
Arminius,: Or, the rise of a national symbol in literature von Richard Kuehnemund 1 Exemplar8
Novalis. Deutscher Dichter, Europäischer Denker, Christlicher Seher von Friedrich Hiebel 3 Exemplare10
Das Wesen der Philosophie von Wilhelm Dilthey 38 Exemplare13
Gregorius von Hartmann von Aue 100 Exemplare, 1 Rezension14
Goethe, the lyrist : 100 poems in new translations facing the originals : with an appendix on musical settings to t von Edwin H. Zeydel 6 Exemplare16
Wittenwiler's Ring, and the anonymous Scots poem Colkelbie sow;: Two comic-didactic works from the fifteenth century (University of North Carolina studies in Germanic languages and literatures) von Heinrich Wittenweiler 1 Exemplar18
Honor in German literature von George F. Jones 2 Exemplare25
Novalis and Mathematics (North Carolina University Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures/No. 27) von Martin Dyck 10 Exemplare27
The Hermit in German Literature. (From Lessing to Eichendorff) von HENRY JOHN FITZELL 1 Exemplar30
Schelmuffsky von Christian Reuter 28 Exemplare, 1 Rezension33
King Rother von Robert Lichtenstein 2 Exemplare36
Young Nietzsche and the Wagnerian Experience von Frederick R. Love 2 Exemplare39
Ecbasis Cuiusdam Captivi / Escape of a Certain Captive: An Eleventh-Century Latin Beast Epic von Edwin H. Zeydel 3 Exemplare46
Whitman and Nietzsche; a comparative study of their thought von Constantine Nicholas Stavrou 1 Exemplar48
The Magic Mountain: A Study of Thomas Mann's Novel (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures, No. 49.) von Hermann John Weigand 9 Exemplare49
General de Kalb, Lafayette's Mentor von A. E. Zucker 2 Exemplare53
Theodor Storm's craft of fiction; the torment of a narrator. von Clifford A Bernd 1 Exemplar55
An annotated Arthur Schnitzler bibliography : editions and criticism in German, French, and English ; 1879 - 1965 von Richard H. Allen 1 Exemplar56
Letters to and from Ludwig Tieck and his circle : unpublished letters from the period of German romanticism, including the unpublished correspondence of Sophie and Ludwig Tieck von Ludwig Tieck 2 Exemplare57
Studies in historical linguistics in honor of George Sherman Lane von Walter W. Arndt 7 Exemplare58
The Songs of the Minnesinger, Prince Wizlaw of Rügen; with modern transcriptions of his melodies and English translations of his verse von Wesley Thomas 2 Exemplare59
The humanist Ulrich von Hutten; a reappraisal of his humor von Thomas W Best 1 Exemplar61
The Service of Ladies: An Autobiography (First Person Singular) von Ulrich von Lichtenstein 34 Exemplare63
Bifocal Vision: Novalis' Philosophy of Nature and Disease von John Neubauer 4 Exemplare68
Portrait of the artist as Hermes : a study of myth and psychology in Thomas Mann's Felix Krull von Donald F. Nelson 1 Exemplar70
The Marble Statue as Idea von C Oertel 1 Exemplar72
The Laxdoela Saga von A. Margaret Arent 9 Exemplare74
Tannhäuser: poet and legend, with texts and translations of his works von J. W. Thomas 3 Exemplare77
The Works of Stefan George, rendered into English by Olga Marx/Ernst Morwitz von Stefan George 2 Exemplare78
Essays on Brecht: theater and politics. von Siegfried Mews 1 Exemplar79
Duineser Elegien von Rainer Maria Rilke 1,748 Exemplare, 16 Rezensionen81
Friedrich Nietzsche's Impact on Modern German Literature (Study in Germanic Language & Literature) von Herbert W. Reichert 3 Exemplare84
Studies in Nietzsche and the Classical Tradition (Study in Germanic Language & Literature) von James C. O'Flaherty 10 Exemplare85
Goethe's Faust : seven essays von Alan P. Cottrell 1 Exemplar86
Friedrich Von Hausen: Inquiries into His Poetry (Study in Germanic Language & Literature) von Hugo Bekker 1 Exemplar87
Theater in the Planned Society: Contemporary Drama in the German Democratic Republic in Its Historical, Political, and Cultural Context von H. G. Heuttich 0 Exemplare88
Rainer Maria Rilke and Jugendstil: Affinities, influences, adaptations (Studies in the Germanic languages and literature von Karl Eugene Webb 5 Exemplare90
Creative encounter : Festschrift for Herman Salinger von Leland R. Phelps 1 Exemplar91
Vor Sonnenaufgang von Gerhart Hauptmann 119 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen92
Studies in Goethe's lyric cycles von Lee Meredith 1 Exemplar93
Heinrich von Kleist : studies in the character and meaning of his writings von John M. Ellis 1 Exemplar94
The Boundless Present: Space and Time in the Literary Fairy Tales of Novalis and Tieck (Study in Germanic Language & Literature) von Gordon Birrell 3 Exemplare95
Brecht and the Bible : a study of religious nihilism and human weakness in Brecht's drama of mortality and the city von G. Ronald Murphy 1 Exemplar96
Structures of influence : a comparative approach to August Strindberg von Marilyn Johns Blackwell 1 Exemplar98
Exile: the writer's experience. von Robert F. Bell 0 Exemplare99
Studies in Nietzsche and the Judaeo-Christian Tradition (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages von James C. O'Flaherty 4 Exemplare103
Greek antiquity in Schiller's Wallenstein von Gisela N. Berns 0 Exemplare104
The Ennobling Power of Love in the Medieval German Lyric (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures) von Stephen J. Kaplowitt 3 Exemplare106
The Poetry of Brecht: Seven Studies (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures) von Philip Thomson 1 Exemplar107
E. T. A. Hoffmanns Märchenschaffen : Kaleidoskop der Verfremdung in seinen sieben Märchen von Gisela Vitt-Maucher 1 Exemplar108
political dramaturgy of nicodemus frischlin: essays on humanist drama in germany von David Price 1 Exemplar111
Gottfried Benn's Static Poetry: Aesthetic and Intellectual-Historical Interpretations (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures) von Mark William Roche 2 Exemplare112
Literary culture in the Holy Roman Empire, 1555-1720 von James A. Parente 3 Exemplare113
the poetics of historical perspectivism: breitinger's critische dichtkunst and the neoclassic tradition von jill anne kowalik 1 Exemplar114
Elusiveness of Tolerance: The "Jewish Question" from Lessing to the Napoleonic Wars (Choice Outstanding Academic Book Award, 1997) von Peter R. Erspamer 1 Exemplar117
Language, Literature, and the Negotiation of Identity: Foreign Worker German in the Federal Republic of Germany von Barbara A. Fennell 2 Exemplare119
Ego--alter ego : double and/as other in the age of German poetic realism von John David Pizer 0 Exemplare120
The intervention of philology : gender, learning, and power in Lohenstein's Roman plays von Jane O. Newman 1 Exemplar122
Berlin's Forgotten Future: City, History, and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Germany (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures) von Matt Erlin 3 Exemplare
literary paternity, literary friendship: essays in honor of stanley corngold von Gerhard Richter 4 Exemplare
The look of things : poetry and vision around 1900 von Carsten Strathausen 5 Exemplare
The Parzival of Wolfram von Eschenbach (University of North Carolina studies in the Germanic languages and literatures) von Wolfram 2 Exemplare
Theater in the Planned Society: Contemporary Drama in the German Democratic Republic in Its Historical, Political, and Cultural Context von H. G. Huettich 0 Exemplare

