ReihenThe Garden Gang

Reihenautor: Jayne Fisher

15 Werke Beliebtheit 59,043 (71 Mitglieder) 200 Bücher 0 Rezensionen 4.5
Wee Willie Water Melon and Betty Beetroot von Jayne Fisher 15 Exemplare (1977)
Gertrude Gooseberry and Belinda Blackcurrant von Jayne Fisher 17 Exemplare (1979)
Lucy Leek and Bertie Brussels Sprout von Jayne Fisher 14 Exemplare (1979)
Penelope Strawberry and Roger Radish von Jayne Fisher 19 Exemplare (1979)
Oliver Onion and Tim Tomato von Jayne Fisher 13 Exemplare (1979)
Percival Pea and Polly Pomegranate von Jayne Fisher 15 Exemplare (1979)
Avril Apricot and Simon Swede von Jayne Fisher 12 Exemplare (1980)
Grace Grape and Robert Raspberry von Jayne Fisher 15 Exemplare (1980)
Pam Parsnip and Lawrence Lemon von Jayne Fisher 16 Exemplare (1980)
Peter Potato and Alice Apple von Jayne Fisher 14 Exemplare (1980)
Colin Cucumber and Patrick Pear von Jayne Fisher 18 Exemplare (1980)
Sheila Shallot and Benny Broad Bean von Jayne Fisher 10 Exemplare (1980)
Meet the Garden Gang von Jayne Fisher 6 Exemplare (1981)
Oscar Orange and Augustus Aubergine von Jayne Fisher 8 Exemplare (1983)
Pedro Pepper and the Cherry Twins von Jayne Fisher 8 Exemplare (1983)

Andere Namen

Englisch: Garden Gang, Ladybird Series 793


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