OrteHolyrood Palace, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Werke (22)

The Bedeviled Heart von Carmen Caine
Das Blut der Schande von Caleb Carr
Castles and Keeps of Scotland von Frank Roy Fraprie
David Rizzio & Mary Queen of Scots: Murder at Holyrood von David Tweedie
History of the Abbey and Palace of Holyrood von Holyrood. Dun Keeper of the Chapel Royal Anderson
The House of Stuart von Maurice Percy Ashley
Maria Stuart. Der Roman ihres Lebens von Margaret George
Maria, Königin der Schotten von Antonia Fraser
Mary Queen of Scots and the Murder of Lord Darnley von Alison Weir
Mary Queen of Scots' Downfall : The Life and Murder of Henry, Lord Darnley von Robert Stedall
The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots: A Novel von Carolly Erickson
Not in Front of the Corgis von Brian Hoey
The palace of Holyroodhouse abbey and environs : Official guide von Sir Herbert Maxwell
The Palace of Holyroodhouse: Official Souvenir Guide von Ian Gow
Queen Mary's women : female relatives, servants, friends and enemies of Mary, Queen of Scots von Rosalind Kay Marshall
Queen of Scots von Rosalind K. Marshall
Rizzio von Denise Mina
Scottish Royal Palaces: The Architecture of the Royal Residences During the Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Periods von John G. Dunbar
Tapestries and Textiles at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in the Royal Collection von Margaret H. Swain
Tapestries and Textiles at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in the Royal Collection von Margaret Swain
Two Queens in One Isle: The Deadly Relationship of Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots von Alison Plowden
Waverley von Sir Walter Scott