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The Internet, The Web, and eBusiness: Formalizing Applications for the Real World

von Kai A. Olsen

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A few years ago, many new Internet businesses failed as a result of an unrealistic view of the potential of the Internet, the Web, and computer technology in general. Today Internet and Web technologies are gaining a strong foothold by offering new and different ways of doing business in many areas. This book offers a clear and concise overview of the fundamental principles of computing by building a framework for understanding computer applications. In Parts 1 and 2 author Kai Olsen defines formalized and unformalized processes, with a focus on the formalization of Internet and Web technologies. Parts 3 and 4 explore these concepts further in a discussion of eBusiness applications within B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and B2B (Business-to-Business) models. Presenting numerous examples, tables, and graphics throughout, the ideas introduced in the first half of the book are expanded upon in an easy-to-understand manner. Part 5 prophesizes about the effects that these technologies will have on everyday life, jobs, and society in the future. This book is essential for those involved in, affected by, or interested in Internet and Web applications relating to eBusiness. It will be useful as an introductory textbook in courses about human-computer interaction, eBusiness, mass communications, and of general interest to library and information studies students.… (mehr)
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A few years ago, many new Internet businesses failed as a result of an unrealistic view of the potential of the Internet, the Web, and computer technology in general. Today Internet and Web technologies are gaining a strong foothold by offering new and different ways of doing business in many areas. This book offers a clear and concise overview of the fundamental principles of computing by building a framework for understanding computer applications. In Parts 1 and 2 author Kai Olsen defines formalized and unformalized processes, with a focus on the formalization of Internet and Web technologies. Parts 3 and 4 explore these concepts further in a discussion of eBusiness applications within B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and B2B (Business-to-Business) models. Presenting numerous examples, tables, and graphics throughout, the ideas introduced in the first half of the book are expanded upon in an easy-to-understand manner. Part 5 prophesizes about the effects that these technologies will have on everyday life, jobs, and society in the future. This book is essential for those involved in, affected by, or interested in Internet and Web applications relating to eBusiness. It will be useful as an introductory textbook in courses about human-computer interaction, eBusiness, mass communications, and of general interest to library and information studies students.

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