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Collected Writings of W.E. Vine, Volume 1: Volume One

von W. E. Vine

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His expository dictionary is a bestselling classic that has been popular with Bible scholars and students alike. But W.E. Vine wrote not only the famous dictionary, he was also the author of timeless theological studies. Now, gathered together in a landmark five-volume edition, The Collected Writings of W.E. Vine includes all of Vine's known writings on biblical studies and theology, and they are available to a new generation. Included are his commentaries on selected Bible books and insights on such topics as the person and work of Christ, the divine inspiration of the Bible, missions and Christian service, the Second Coming and the last days, the evolution theory in the light of Genesis, and much, much more. Also included is his self-study Greek grammar, a valuable tool for those who want to study the New Testament books in their original language. The fruit of years of prayerful study and deep Christian thought, The Collected Writings of W.E. Vine offers the wisdom of one of the great contributors to modern biblical studies. A must for the library shelves of any serious student of the Bible. W.E. Vine, M.A., was known in his day (1873-1949) as a classical scholar, a skilled expositor, and an acute theologian. Recognized as one of the world's foremost Greek scholars, his Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, first published in 1939, now available in Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, represents the fruit of his lifetime labors and is an unsurpassed classic in its field.… (mehr)
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His expository dictionary is a bestselling classic that has been popular with Bible scholars and students alike. But W.E. Vine wrote not only the famous dictionary, he was also the author of timeless theological studies. Now, gathered together in a landmark five-volume edition, The Collected Writings of W.E. Vine includes all of Vine's known writings on biblical studies and theology, and they are available to a new generation. Included are his commentaries on selected Bible books and insights on such topics as the person and work of Christ, the divine inspiration of the Bible, missions and Christian service, the Second Coming and the last days, the evolution theory in the light of Genesis, and much, much more. Also included is his self-study Greek grammar, a valuable tool for those who want to study the New Testament books in their original language. The fruit of years of prayerful study and deep Christian thought, The Collected Writings of W.E. Vine offers the wisdom of one of the great contributors to modern biblical studies. A must for the library shelves of any serious student of the Bible. W.E. Vine, M.A., was known in his day (1873-1949) as a classical scholar, a skilled expositor, and an acute theologian. Recognized as one of the world's foremost Greek scholars, his Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, first published in 1939, now available in Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, represents the fruit of his lifetime labors and is an unsurpassed classic in its field.

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