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Napoleon's Letters to Josephine: Correspondence of War, Politics, Family and Love 1796-1814

von Henry Foljambe Hall

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The intimate correspondence of history What needs to be said about the relationship between Napoleon and Josephine that has not become legend? He was a humble Corsican who rose meteorically through the ranks of the armies of Revolutionary France to be become First Consul and then Emperor of the First Empire. She was his lover from the earliest days, swept up in his rising fortunes until she became Empress by his side, only to be cast away in favour of an Austrian princess who could give the Emperor an heir. Yet theirs was never a straightforward or easy relationship. Both took lovers and despite his own infidelities and tolerance, Napoleon felt extreme pangs of jealousy and wrote of them plainly in his correspondence. Napoleon reveals himself to be a man of raging passions both for Josephine and the creation of an Empire worthy of his genius. As one would expect, these letters are barely confined to pillow talk. Here was a soldier at the head of a conquering army that set Europe ablaze. Much of the progress of his campaigns is reported in the most personal detail. Here are those who surrounded the Emperor most closely-the soldiers, the court and the ever troublesome family. Here are the great events of the age from great campaigns, battles and fallen monarchs to assassination attempts. Here are the highs and the lows of two incredible turbulent lives. Essential reading for those fascinated by the Napoleonic age and who wish to listen to the immediate thoughts of the great man to his lover across time on all the issues that touched him closest. Available in soft cover and hard cover with dustjacket.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonPhaer1, Ray33, ltfl_nelson, Brendan.Aquilino, Marissa_Doyle
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The intimate correspondence of history What needs to be said about the relationship between Napoleon and Josephine that has not become legend? He was a humble Corsican who rose meteorically through the ranks of the armies of Revolutionary France to be become First Consul and then Emperor of the First Empire. She was his lover from the earliest days, swept up in his rising fortunes until she became Empress by his side, only to be cast away in favour of an Austrian princess who could give the Emperor an heir. Yet theirs was never a straightforward or easy relationship. Both took lovers and despite his own infidelities and tolerance, Napoleon felt extreme pangs of jealousy and wrote of them plainly in his correspondence. Napoleon reveals himself to be a man of raging passions both for Josephine and the creation of an Empire worthy of his genius. As one would expect, these letters are barely confined to pillow talk. Here was a soldier at the head of a conquering army that set Europe ablaze. Much of the progress of his campaigns is reported in the most personal detail. Here are those who surrounded the Emperor most closely-the soldiers, the court and the ever troublesome family. Here are the great events of the age from great campaigns, battles and fallen monarchs to assassination attempts. Here are the highs and the lows of two incredible turbulent lives. Essential reading for those fascinated by the Napoleonic age and who wish to listen to the immediate thoughts of the great man to his lover across time on all the issues that touched him closest. Available in soft cover and hard cover with dustjacket.

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