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One Simple Idea: Turn Your Dreams into a Licensing Goldmine While Letting Others Do the Work

von Stephen Key

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71Keine386,145 (3.9)2
Praise for One Simple Idea: My friend, Mr. Key's brilliance, wisdom, and insight will make you rich. Buy this book!--Mark Victor Hansen, bestselling author and co-creator of Chicken Soup For The Soul. Stephen has an uncanny and successful knack for simplifying the licensing mystique. One Simple Idea provides a road map and confidence to those who follow his proven approach--Warren Tuttle, product scout, Lifetime Brands. Since the successful marketing of the Pet Rock in 1975, I have talked with thousands of hopeful inventors who seek help in getting their ideas to market. Stephen Key has written a book which is overflowing with the all-important information that inventors need; a step-by-step guide to everything that goes into a successful product introduction. It's a book I wish I would have had available to me. It's a book that would have saved me a lot of time and money--Gary Dahl, Pet Rock inventor. If you are ready to change your life, buy this book! Stephen Key turns conventional inventing wisdom on its head and clearly outlines how anyone can earn a meaningful income with One Simple Idea--Tamara Monosoff, founder of Mom Inventedand author of The Mom Inventors Handbook and Your Million Dollar Dream--… (mehr)
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Praise for One Simple Idea: My friend, Mr. Key's brilliance, wisdom, and insight will make you rich. Buy this book!--Mark Victor Hansen, bestselling author and co-creator of Chicken Soup For The Soul. Stephen has an uncanny and successful knack for simplifying the licensing mystique. One Simple Idea provides a road map and confidence to those who follow his proven approach--Warren Tuttle, product scout, Lifetime Brands. Since the successful marketing of the Pet Rock in 1975, I have talked with thousands of hopeful inventors who seek help in getting their ideas to market. Stephen Key has written a book which is overflowing with the all-important information that inventors need; a step-by-step guide to everything that goes into a successful product introduction. It's a book I wish I would have had available to me. It's a book that would have saved me a lot of time and money--Gary Dahl, Pet Rock inventor. If you are ready to change your life, buy this book! Stephen Key turns conventional inventing wisdom on its head and clearly outlines how anyone can earn a meaningful income with One Simple Idea--Tamara Monosoff, founder of Mom Inventedand author of The Mom Inventors Handbook and Your Million Dollar Dream--

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