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The Planet of Waters

von Douglas Anderson

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Mystical adventure, myth, the Planet of Waters follows a cosmic journey. Out-of-body travelers run the rivers of the living music of the spheres. Love, grief, joy, bring them to Earth for the creation of humanity, from Bread & Butter Press/Denver. All the universe is an ocean of music. Everything that IS is made of music, just as you yourself are. The myth begins in a world called The Planet of Waters. The planet is composed of layers of waters. Each zone of the waters is inhabited by a distinct tribe of beings, each with its own name, character and function. All the tribes work together to support The Planet of Waters. At the center of the planet is a "seedcore." When inside the seedcore, you are out of body, in your "soul" state - which is a tone, a single unique tone that contains your essential character and destiny. When you migrate back into the waters, you take a new body. Then a GREAT CHANGE befalls the planet. Everyone must leave. Beings from different tribes lock together, like notes into chords. (They don't need elaborate space ships in order to travel). They venture out into the great rivers and currents of living music that form the whole universe. After a cosmic journey rich with tragic and delightful twists, they arrive here. They come to this earth to take part in the most important event in human history up until now: our creation. And then? And then? Near the end (or the beginning), that ancient race, the whales and dolphins, rise up as major players in a divine drama. The final adventure brings you, gently and powerfully, to the music where you began, the living music you always are, the melody that follows you all your days...the ocean symphony that makes us each as unique and alone as we are forever One.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonpatwagner, adleonard
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Mystical adventure, myth, the Planet of Waters follows a cosmic journey. Out-of-body travelers run the rivers of the living music of the spheres. Love, grief, joy, bring them to Earth for the creation of humanity, from Bread & Butter Press/Denver. All the universe is an ocean of music. Everything that IS is made of music, just as you yourself are. The myth begins in a world called The Planet of Waters. The planet is composed of layers of waters. Each zone of the waters is inhabited by a distinct tribe of beings, each with its own name, character and function. All the tribes work together to support The Planet of Waters. At the center of the planet is a "seedcore." When inside the seedcore, you are out of body, in your "soul" state - which is a tone, a single unique tone that contains your essential character and destiny. When you migrate back into the waters, you take a new body. Then a GREAT CHANGE befalls the planet. Everyone must leave. Beings from different tribes lock together, like notes into chords. (They don't need elaborate space ships in order to travel). They venture out into the great rivers and currents of living music that form the whole universe. After a cosmic journey rich with tragic and delightful twists, they arrive here. They come to this earth to take part in the most important event in human history up until now: our creation. And then? And then? Near the end (or the beginning), that ancient race, the whales and dolphins, rise up as major players in a divine drama. The final adventure brings you, gently and powerfully, to the music where you began, the living music you always are, the melody that follows you all your days...the ocean symphony that makes us each as unique and alone as we are forever One.

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