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Uncut Confetti: A Loose Collection of Celebratory Pieces

von John Hegley

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25Keine945,914 (4)1
Published to coincide with the release of a John Hegley CD, and yet another sell-out tour of the British Isles, Uncut Confetti is a stunning volume of new work - from the funny to the sad, the personal to the philosophical - by one of our best-loved and best-selling writers. The book has a very strong autobiographical strand, and in particular some poignant reflections on John's father who would have been 100 this year. There is also a running thread of animal-related poems, and the usual abundance of splendid drawings accompanied, unusually, by a photograph or two. Production values for this remarkable book will be exceptional. The cover will be printed directly onto board, and in a visual echo of its title the text will be printed on a range of coloured papers. Perhaps John Hegley's most intimate and powerful work to date, Uncut Confetti is a book full of promise for everyone.… (mehr)
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Published to coincide with the release of a John Hegley CD, and yet another sell-out tour of the British Isles, Uncut Confetti is a stunning volume of new work - from the funny to the sad, the personal to the philosophical - by one of our best-loved and best-selling writers. The book has a very strong autobiographical strand, and in particular some poignant reflections on John's father who would have been 100 this year. There is also a running thread of animal-related poems, and the usual abundance of splendid drawings accompanied, unusually, by a photograph or two. Production values for this remarkable book will be exceptional. The cover will be printed directly onto board, and in a visual echo of its title the text will be printed on a range of coloured papers. Perhaps John Hegley's most intimate and powerful work to date, Uncut Confetti is a book full of promise for everyone.

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