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More from the Gluten-free Gourmet: Delicious Dining Without Wheat

von Bette Hagman

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From the author of The Gluten-free Gourmet, the best selling cookbook for the millions who are gluten-intolerant or allergic to wheat, here are 267 tasty, gluten-free dishes Bette Hagman's second book offers more recipes for baked goods as well as a smorgasbord of recipes for international dishes in "safe" versions -- a lovely variety of meat, poultry, seafood, rice, bean and pasta dishes with a distinctive flair. For those who wonder how to achieve a flavorful, exotic and gluten-free meal, this book has all the answers, from curries to tempuras and from quiches to Mexican mole. Also, this book provides more recipes for some traditional dishes such as casseroles,vegetables, soups and tasty treats for celiac children and adults alike. With updated, expanded lists of suppliers and celiac organizations, this indispensable book also includes an introduction by Betty Bernard, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California, who says, "More from the Gluten-free Gourmet is a superb guidebook to fine dining and the best of health for gluten-sensitive individuals."… (mehr)
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From the author of The Gluten-free Gourmet, the best selling cookbook for the millions who are gluten-intolerant or allergic to wheat, here are 267 tasty, gluten-free dishes Bette Hagman's second book offers more recipes for baked goods as well as a smorgasbord of recipes for international dishes in "safe" versions -- a lovely variety of meat, poultry, seafood, rice, bean and pasta dishes with a distinctive flair. For those who wonder how to achieve a flavorful, exotic and gluten-free meal, this book has all the answers, from curries to tempuras and from quiches to Mexican mole. Also, this book provides more recipes for some traditional dishes such as casseroles,vegetables, soups and tasty treats for celiac children and adults alike. With updated, expanded lists of suppliers and celiac organizations, this indispensable book also includes an introduction by Betty Bernard, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California, who says, "More from the Gluten-free Gourmet is a superb guidebook to fine dining and the best of health for gluten-sensitive individuals."

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