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The Power of a Praying Wife von Stormie…
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The Power of a Praying Wife (Original 1997; 2014. Auflage)

von Stormie Omartian (Autor)

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Today's challenges can make a fulfilling marriage seem like an impossible dream. Yet God delights in doing the impossible if only we would ask! Stormie Omartian shares how God can strengthen your marriage as you pray for your husband concerning key areas in his life, including... His spiritual walk His emotions His role as a leader His security in work His physical protection His faith and his future You will be encouraged by Stormie's own experiences, along with the Bible verses and sample prayers included in each chapter. Join the millions of women who have been blessed by this life-changing look at the power of a wife's prayers.… (mehr)
Titel:The Power of a Praying Wife
Autoren:Stormie Omartian (Autor)
Info:Harvest House Publishers (2014), Edition: Reprint, 208 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


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The Power of a Praying Wife Lessons and Key Takeaways:

1. “Rely on God’s power to transform you”- (page 13). Rely on God’s power to transform you inside your heart in praying for yourself but also for others. Rely on God’s power to transform you in changing your heart to reaching out to family members and living your own life instead of worrying about others. Rely on God’s power to transform you to be more patient, more loving, more kind, and more knowledgeable about the Lord and His Purpose and His Plan for you so that if you do get married in the future God has already prepared you to be an excellent wife to the one you marry. So start small and work on a task for as long as it takes you to get the lesson and information inside your brain and do not rush the process and osmosis of God shaping you to be His own person of faith, love, happiness, independence, and joy.

2. “Rely on God’s power to transform your husband.” When you do get married the only person you can change is yourself. Use your changing habits through languages to inspire your husband to see a difference in you that he appreciates. For instance, be silent and thoughtful instead of brash and loud. Be kind and indirect when speaking, yet frugal and soft-spoken when dealing with money and people. Be an excellent cook by cooking your meals (all of them) at home and enjoy learning new recipes and buying items every three weeks in order to cut down spending yet being mindful of what you buy through buying what you as a family can afford and not what you see. Through spending and using money smartly and sparingly and using your finances to increase your earning potential at work without falling into the lifestyle of those around you. This means being happy that you have income yet not seeing it as a tool to use to complain or be greedy with your money. Instead see it as an opportunity to grow your financial awareness and savings capacity for your goals in the future whilst still enjoying the work you do.

3. Arguing- Instead of arguing stop and listen deeply to your husband’s words and how he communicates with you. Is he upset and looking downcast? Is he agitated and needing you to listen without criticizing or offering your opinion? Does he need you to not talk while he contemplates the issue he is dealing with? Would just sitting down and doing something quiet yet meaningful bring his energy to a more manageable level without shouting or getting aggressive?

4. Ignoring- Ignoring is never good because it does not resolve an issue. Instead stop and think about how you would feel if your husband ignored you when you wanted to talk about an issue. Or when your family members ignored you. Do not bring your past relationships with your family members into your marriage because it is unhealthy and unwise to put that pressure on your husband. Instead, seek counseling and guidance with and without your husband. Have an open and honest communication with your husband and do not let anything fester into a big issue for either of you in your marriage. Remember communication is listening and if you are not listening to your husband then he won’t know how to help you and for you to help him.

5. Let God use you as an instrument of prayer for your family and your future husband. Lay everything that is pressing you down in prayer and write it down and then wait for God to answer your prayer or show you a sign.

6. Pray for your family even if they aren’t praying or loving towards you. God will change their hearts. You have to change yours first towards them.


Dear Lord,
Change me Lord to be a vessel of light and love towards my family so that no matter what anyone of them says or does it does not hurt my feelings and cause me to cry or to be downcast or downtrodden with worry, hurt feelings, and pain that they do not love me for who I am but for what they see me as a poor, annoying, unchangeable human being. Help them to see the changes you are slowly making in me daily, hourly, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly Lord. Help them to see me as Your Vessel of love, light, and joy and to not criticize or say negative things or avoid me if I want to talk to them Lord. If they don’t want to talk to me Lord then please give them a double portion of your blessing so that they may succeed and be happy in life no matter what issues they are going through. Help them to see that the obstacles they are going through are lessons that will strengthen them. Help them to be happy in life all their days even when the issues of life are overwhelming them. Help them to save money and to be content financially. Help them to open up their hearts to grow to love themselves fully as well as love our parents and what they have done for them instead of being bitter, angry, and ignoring them. Use me as a vessel of light, joy, and peace in me towards my parents so that my siblings can see me flourishing and living my best life with my parents instead of them seeing me as needy and dependent on them.
Help me and mold me to be the best wife for someone in the near future that is emotionally stable, that loves God, that is financially sound and stable, that is independent and loving towards himself and his family, and that loves to cook food. Lord please help me to grow to be someone’s helpmeet in the good times and the bad times and to trust that whatever decision you make for my future husband that I will be as loving, industrious, and blessed as the wife described in Proverbs 31. This I pray Amen.

Biggest Takeaway:

God can only change you if you pray for it. You cannot change your spouse if they don’t want to change. Learn how to be independent of your husband in certain areas yet also interdependent with God to make your marriage and our lives be in a continuous frame of flow.

Quote in Summary:

“Change me Lord so that you may help me to be grounded in receiving the lessons You want to teach me in order for me to grow and thrive as a woman, as a future wife, and as a human being feasting on Your Word and Your Way.” ( )
  Kaianna.Isaure | Feb 28, 2023 |
Worrying about your marriage changes nothing. Praying about it can change everything!
  MenoraChurch | Feb 6, 2023 |
Excellent book to get you praying for your husband in the areas of his life that matter to God. A must read for any wife or wife to be. Very practical advice. Totally Biblical and Scripturally based. I experienced a life changing prayer life as result of reading this book. Easy to read. ( )
  Pammela | Nov 20, 2021 |
Deep reading. lots to think about and study and ponder over. ( )
  JamieM12 | Aug 23, 2020 |
This book scared me. It literally made me cry in the first chapter because I felt that there was no way that I could live up to the standards in this book - in the first chapter. And I have to admit that I'm not married yet. I read [b:Praying for Your Future Husband: Preparing Your Heart for His|10401427|Praying for Your Future Husband Preparing Your Heart for His|Robin Jones Gunn||42490556], and it's an amazing book, and I wanted to see if I could add any scriptures to my prayer list for my future husband (including protection, etc.).

But this book...the way her husband treats her, and the expectations she puts on women are truly frightening. I cannot be perfect. There is no way. I can't be. My future husband can't be perfect. Only God is perfect, and we should definitely be praying for each other (spouses, family, friends, coworkers) because God can move in their lives when we have no chance. But praying for someone doesn't mean you never talk to them, speak up when their behavior hurts you, or you continue to allow them to treat you like dirt. Because a husband is commanded by God to love his wife the way Christ loved the Church, giving himself up for her (Ephesians 5:22-33). Commanded. We are to die to self to live for Christ. Our relationships should reflect that. All of them. Friendships, familial relationships, and marriages. Christians no longer live for themselves, and that's double for spouses. Wives do not live for themselves, and husbands do not live for themselves.

Also, if your spouse treats you the way Stormie's husband treated her, please seek godly counseling.

This book is a list of dos and don'ts for women to please their husbands, and stories. But Stormie does not tell the story of her relationship and how her prayers changed her husband. Only that they made her more tolerant of her husband's poor behavior. And forgiveness isn't bad, but it would have been more effective if she had shown how God had answered her prayers in her life and her husband's, rather than giving a brief example of her "understanding" how her husband steamrolled her, and she let it go over and over and over again.

I don't recommend this one. It has some questionable (at best) views on women and men, and what counts for love and respect. ( )
  book_lady15 | Apr 3, 2020 |
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Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.

Proverbs 31:10-12
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This book is dedicated with love to my husband, Michael, who has consistently given me more than I ever wanted to pray about. You and I both know that prayer works.
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First of all, let me make it perfectly clear that the power of a praying wife is not a means of gaining control over your husband, so don't get your hopes up!
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Today's challenges can make a fulfilling marriage seem like an impossible dream. Yet God delights in doing the impossible if only we would ask! Stormie Omartian shares how God can strengthen your marriage as you pray for your husband concerning key areas in his life, including... His spiritual walk His emotions His role as a leader His security in work His physical protection His faith and his future You will be encouraged by Stormie's own experiences, along with the Bible verses and sample prayers included in each chapter. Join the millions of women who have been blessed by this life-changing look at the power of a wife's prayers.

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