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Primary Years Programme Level 6 Companion Pack of 6 (Pearson Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme)

von Jackie Holderness

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The Primary Years Programme (PYP) Readers and Companions is a starter Programme of Inquiry kit, covering the most accessible units of inquiry across the six trans-disciplinary themes. The resources provide an ideal starting point to deliver the IB Primary Years Programme. The starter Programme of Inquiry offers a: a balanced range of units at each level is ideal for adding to existing resources Inspiring global thinkers in keeping with the IB philosophy: reflecting inquiry-based teaching and learning linked to the IB Learner Profile uses an international approach. The Primary Years Programme contains 120 high quality, inquiry-based readers designed as a ready-made library of titles, with different styles and designs meeting the requirements of the IB Primary Years Programme saving teachers' time with planning and looking for the right resources levelled fiction and non-fiction. And also includes 9 engaging companions exploring each level's individual units with open-ended activities linked to the Learner Profile attributes: tear-out sheets ready for inclusion in the portfolio individual and group activities.… (mehr)
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The Primary Years Programme (PYP) Readers and Companions is a starter Programme of Inquiry kit, covering the most accessible units of inquiry across the six trans-disciplinary themes. The resources provide an ideal starting point to deliver the IB Primary Years Programme. The starter Programme of Inquiry offers a: a balanced range of units at each level is ideal for adding to existing resources Inspiring global thinkers in keeping with the IB philosophy: reflecting inquiry-based teaching and learning linked to the IB Learner Profile uses an international approach. The Primary Years Programme contains 120 high quality, inquiry-based readers designed as a ready-made library of titles, with different styles and designs meeting the requirements of the IB Primary Years Programme saving teachers' time with planning and looking for the right resources levelled fiction and non-fiction. And also includes 9 engaging companions exploring each level's individual units with open-ended activities linked to the Learner Profile attributes: tear-out sheets ready for inclusion in the portfolio individual and group activities.

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