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Doorways to Significance: Finding Peace, Power, and Passion

von Pat Holland Conner

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1Keine7,918,895 (3.5)2
Born in the South, during the 1940s, an African-American girl with white skin was destined to live with secrets, shame and intolerance from her family as well as the black and white community. She grew up feeling unworthy and desperate to belong. When her three-year-old son wondered why she was white and the rest of the family black, she struggled with an answer. At age 50, divorced and discouraged, she knew she had to make a change, a dramatic one, and she did what few have the courage to do. She joined the Peace Corps and traveled throughout Asia and the Middle East for seven years, an opportunity chockfull of rich experiences and personal growth. To her amazement, she discovered she fit in everywhere. Through deeply moving stories imbued with humor and grace, Pat Holland Conner will transport you to exotic parts of the world where acceptance of others transformed her life spiritually, emotionally and mentally from fear and alienation to self-acceptance and approval.… (mehr)
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Born in the South, during the 1940s, an African-American girl with white skin was destined to live with secrets, shame and intolerance from her family as well as the black and white community. She grew up feeling unworthy and desperate to belong. When her three-year-old son wondered why she was white and the rest of the family black, she struggled with an answer. At age 50, divorced and discouraged, she knew she had to make a change, a dramatic one, and she did what few have the courage to do. She joined the Peace Corps and traveled throughout Asia and the Middle East for seven years, an opportunity chockfull of rich experiences and personal growth. To her amazement, she discovered she fit in everywhere. Through deeply moving stories imbued with humor and grace, Pat Holland Conner will transport you to exotic parts of the world where acceptance of others transformed her life spiritually, emotionally and mentally from fear and alienation to self-acceptance and approval.

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