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The Gershwins and me : a personal history in…
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The Gershwins and me : a personal history in twelve songs (2012. Auflage)

von Michael Feinstein (Autor), Ian Jackman

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581452,151 (4.58)2
Michael Feinstein was just 20 years old when he got the chance of a lifetime: a job with his hero, Ira Gershwin. During their six-year partnership, Feinstein blossomed under Gershwin's mentorship and Gershwin was reinvigorated by the younger man's zeal. Now, in The Gershwins and Me, Michael Feinstein shares unforgettable stories and reminiscences from the music that defined American popular song, along with rare Gershwin memorabilia he's collected through the years. Includes an accompanying CD packed with Feinstein's original recordings of 12 Gershwins' songs.… (mehr)
Titel:The Gershwins and me : a personal history in twelve songs
Autoren:Michael Feinstein (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Ian Jackman
Info:New York, NY : Simon & Schuster, 2012. (Hardcover)
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade
Tags:Non-fiction, History, Music, Biography, Autobiography, Memoir, George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin, Rosemary Clooney, Oscar Levant, Michael Feinstein, American Music, American Songbook, Gershwins, songwriters, composers, libib


The Gershwins and Me: A Personal History in Twelve Songs von Michael Feinstein

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Excellent look at the lives and music of George and Ira Gershwin by Michael Feinstein. Feinstein worked with Ira Gershwin for several years so the book provides a first-hand account of Ira in his later years as well as Ira's reminiscences of working in Tin Pan Alley. The book provides a great look at music in the early 20th century and includes plenty of photographs, not just of the Gershwins but of sheet music, notes on composition paper, photos from shows, etc. The book's writing style made it very easy to read and at times you felt you were there when Feinstein was having a conversation with Ira or even back in the 1920's when George was premiering Rhapsody in Blue. Feinstein is correct that this music is in danger of being lost because music appreciation is no longer being taught in schools. This is a shame because the music of the early part of the 20th century, not just the Gershwins, but Cole Porter, Irving Berlin, Rodgers and Hart, and so many others, are the best that have ever been written. The book also includes a cd by Feinstein with music and commentary. ( )
  knahs | Nov 18, 2012 |
Filled with reminiscences and interesting passages of show-business lore, The Gershwins and Me is a good-natured, idiosyncratic and engrossing work. A reader may at times be a bit taken aback by the large part the author himself plays in this tribute to his musical heroes--but the title does warn us. And who would want to be without a Feinstein statement such as: "Without wishing to sound melodramatic, I believe our country is falling apart culturally . . . in that we have lost the foundation of a basic education in musical history."
hinzugefügt von sgump | bearbeitenWall Street Journal, Tom Nolan (Oct 30, 2012)

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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Michael FeinsteinHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Jackman, IanCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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Michael Feinstein was just 20 years old when he got the chance of a lifetime: a job with his hero, Ira Gershwin. During their six-year partnership, Feinstein blossomed under Gershwin's mentorship and Gershwin was reinvigorated by the younger man's zeal. Now, in The Gershwins and Me, Michael Feinstein shares unforgettable stories and reminiscences from the music that defined American popular song, along with rare Gershwin memorabilia he's collected through the years. Includes an accompanying CD packed with Feinstein's original recordings of 12 Gershwins' songs.

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