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Bridges and Tunnels: Investigate Feats of…
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Bridges and Tunnels: Investigate Feats of Engineering with 25 Projects (Build It Yourself) (2012. Auflage)

von Donna Latham (Autor), Jenn Vaughn (Illustrator)

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652418,308 (4.5)Keine
Explores the innovation and physical science behind bridges and tunnels, featuring illustrated, step-by-step instructions for twenty-five projects designed to help students learn about the engineering process.
Titel:Bridges and Tunnels: Investigate Feats of Engineering with 25 Projects (Build It Yourself)
Autoren:Donna Latham (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Jenn Vaughn (Illustrator)
Info:Nomad Press (2012), 128 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Bridges and Tunnels: Investigate Feats of Engineering with 25 Projects (Build It Yourself) von Donna Latham

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Bridges and Tunnels: Investigate Feats of Engineering invites children ages 9 and up to explore the innovation and physical science behind structures our world depends on. Trivia and fun facts illustrate engineering ingenuity and achievements. Activities and projects encourage children to learn about the engineering process and to embrace trial and error. Children will engage in a hands-on exploration of Newton’s Third Law of Motion and of forces that push and pull on structures. They'll make an egg bungee jump and a soda pop can engine. They'll experiment with a triangular toothpick dome, liquefaction, and corrosion. In Bridges and Tunnels: Investigate Feats of Engineering, children will explore their own engineering and building skills as they create several bridge models.
  wichitafriendsschool | Dec 19, 2017 |
The building of bridges and tunnels is a fascinating feat for engineers. Young readers curious about how these man made monstrosities are built will learn all about them. An engineer is a person who uses science and math to build. Some of the tools they use to draw an idea are levels, planes, protractors and geometry. Young readers will learn all the terminology engineers use every day. Each page has a “words to know” box that explains definitions for any young reader can easily understand. The “did you know” box shares fun facts about how engineers use their keen insights to avoid disasters. The history of bridges and tunnels can also be found along with the workers stories and how they survived and died building these massive projects. In the case of many bridges, readers will learn how war, wind, fire and ice have caused them to collapse. For example: the London Bridge was originally a crude Roman bridge built in 52 CE. The bridge spanned the River Thames in England for centuries, but it fell many times. Experiments are listed with detail instructions so that readers can put what they've learned to the test. Simple structures can be made with things found at home, such as marshmallows and toothpicks. Homemade paper wheels can teach young minds how steam works. Various pages have “notable quotes” which provide inspiration from famous people. There are 25 different projects in all. The back pages list other books, sites, a glossary and index to help readers find more information about engineering and to become better equipped with the terms used. Teachers and parents will enjoy sharing and learning with this handy tool that will inspire any math or science student. ( )
  KristiBernard | Oct 20, 2012 |
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Explores the innovation and physical science behind bridges and tunnels, featuring illustrated, step-by-step instructions for twenty-five projects designed to help students learn about the engineering process.

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