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Joe-Joe the Wizard brews up Solids, Liquids,…
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Joe-Joe the Wizard brews up Solids, Liquids, and Gases (2012. Auflage)

von Eric Braun

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5023528,538 (4.42)Keine
Joe Joe the wizard has a problem. His spell to turn homework into chocolate bars has gone to syrup! Come along to learn how solids, liquids, and gases  help Joe Joe with his sticky mess. A fun and engaging way to get young readers engaged in science concepts!
Titel:Joe-Joe the Wizard brews up Solids, Liquids, and Gases
Autoren:Eric Braun
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Science, Matter, Chemicals


Joe-Joe the Wizard Brews Up Solids, Liquids, and Gases (In the Science Lab) von Eric Mark Braun

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This book is about Joe Joe, a magic student who turns his science homework into chocolate because he doesn't like doing it. The chocolate goes through the different states of matter as the teacher makes a lesson out of it. I gave this book 5 stars because it does an excellent job of using key vocabulary to explain the states of matter in a fun, kid-friendly way. This book would work great in a science classroom around 5th grade when they're starting to learn this concept. ( )
  kaycampb6 | Mar 26, 2020 |
Joe-Joe simple enough book that helps students with understanding the states of matter. Joe-Joe is quirky but lacks that oomph to make it stand out in my mind. He reminds me of Dora's cousin Diego, but carries even less weight than Dora. If students read this they will grasp the basic concepts of Solids, Liquids, and Gases. ( )
  Grimvylan | Nov 19, 2019 |
A great book to read out loud to your is also an engaging book to get them excited and ready to learn science. It can be used to introduce the vocabulary terms of liquid, solids, and gases. ( )
  lpacas | Nov 18, 2019 |
Joe-Joe the Wizard Brews Up Solids, Liquids, and Gases (In the Science Lab) is great book to teach students about states of matter. In this story a boy named Joe Joe the wizard has a problem and tries to turn his homework into chocolate bars but that when things start to turn bad. The illustrations in the book are great visuals for students to learn about the different states of matter. ( )
  Haidet | Nov 18, 2019 |
A great way to introduce the states of matter in a fun educational magical way. This book also helps to make the states of matter easy for children to understand. The colors and illustrations on the pages are bright and eye catching. ( )
  Ana-Chavarria | Nov 17, 2019 |
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Joe Joe the wizard has a problem. His spell to turn homework into chocolate bars has gone to syrup! Come along to learn how solids, liquids, and gases  help Joe Joe with his sticky mess. A fun and engaging way to get young readers engaged in science concepts!

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