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The Sword

von Mary Twomey

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What's left of the Delegation fights to keep the Order with a man down, and the Unrest in hiding. Three keepers work tirelessly to safely harbor the restless immortals, maintain their elements, and counter Red Flame's insatiable attacks. The Unrest's light is dwindling as they remain hidden from Vespera on earth. Close quarters and unstable power lead to tension and confusion as they try to find a way to be helpful to the Order without being taken out in the process. Henry cares for Satchel's son, and trains him to follow in his parents' footsteps by being ready to defend the light at all costs. Lir's body is located, Vespera rages her search for more power when she cannot find the Sword of Secrets. Somehow Stella winds up in the middle, a girl without a friend suddenly thrust into the spotlight and forced to accept her lot in life, being the voice of truth when no one will listen. Though she and the keepers try to fight for the light, it is inevitable that they all may soon lose themselves to the darkness.… (mehr)
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What's left of the Delegation fights to keep the Order with a man down, and the Unrest in hiding. Three keepers work tirelessly to safely harbor the restless immortals, maintain their elements, and counter Red Flame's insatiable attacks. The Unrest's light is dwindling as they remain hidden from Vespera on earth. Close quarters and unstable power lead to tension and confusion as they try to find a way to be helpful to the Order without being taken out in the process. Henry cares for Satchel's son, and trains him to follow in his parents' footsteps by being ready to defend the light at all costs. Lir's body is located, Vespera rages her search for more power when she cannot find the Sword of Secrets. Somehow Stella winds up in the middle, a girl without a friend suddenly thrust into the spotlight and forced to accept her lot in life, being the voice of truth when no one will listen. Though she and the keepers try to fight for the light, it is inevitable that they all may soon lose themselves to the darkness.

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