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The Mists of Many Voices

von Jonathan M. Vick

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In a time of mythic crisis, the Greenman has summoned The Treacherous Triad: three fools who discover a mythological world on the brink of destruction. The once noble and worshiped myths, gods and monsters of human history are being eradicated and forgotten in a digital age. A new cybernetic threat has emerged to wipe out all memory of gods and monsters and replace them with a virtual reality. Together, the three fools must fulfill the prophecy carved into the limbs of the dying Greenman and rally the remaining myths to battle a powerful cybernetic army. Along the way, they must reteach humanity what it means to be human, to be passionate, and to be truly alive. If Joseph Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Christopher Moore and Douglas Adams had a love-child, this book would be that child! "Like 'The Neverending Story' meets Asimov's 'Foundation Series'." This comedic fantasy builds on Joseph Campbell's extensive study of mythology and archtypes to tell an epic story of everyday losers finding the heroes inside them. Using comedy, adventure and cinematic storytelling, it is a perfect introduction to mythological characters and creatures from over 280 cultures, spanning more than 35,000 years of recorded mythology. See more at:… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonlkmiller, Kythe42, Jonathan_Vick, catya77
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In a time of mythic crisis, the Greenman has summoned The Treacherous Triad: three fools who discover a mythological world on the brink of destruction. The once noble and worshiped myths, gods and monsters of human history are being eradicated and forgotten in a digital age. A new cybernetic threat has emerged to wipe out all memory of gods and monsters and replace them with a virtual reality. Together, the three fools must fulfill the prophecy carved into the limbs of the dying Greenman and rally the remaining myths to battle a powerful cybernetic army. Along the way, they must reteach humanity what it means to be human, to be passionate, and to be truly alive. If Joseph Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Christopher Moore and Douglas Adams had a love-child, this book would be that child! "Like 'The Neverending Story' meets Asimov's 'Foundation Series'." This comedic fantasy builds on Joseph Campbell's extensive study of mythology and archtypes to tell an epic story of everyday losers finding the heroes inside them. Using comedy, adventure and cinematic storytelling, it is a perfect introduction to mythological characters and creatures from over 280 cultures, spanning more than 35,000 years of recorded mythology. See more at:

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