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Downton Abbey: Season 4 (2013)

von Julian Fellowes (Creator)

Weitere Autoren: Hugh Bonneville, Laura Carmichael, Jim Carter (Actor), Brendan Coyle, Joanna David (Actor)20 mehr, Michelle Dockery (Actor.), Kevin Doyle (Actor.), Joanne Frogatt (Actor.), Lily James (Actor.), Rob James-Collier (Actor.), Allen Leech (Actor.), Phyllis Logan (Actor.), Shirley MacLaine (Actor.), Nigel Marchant (Producer), Elizabeth McGovern (Actor.), Sophie McShera (Actor.), Matt Milne (Actor.), Gareth Neame (Producer), Lesley Nicol (Actor.), David Robb (Actor), Maggie Smith (Actor.), Ed Speleers (Actor.), Cara Theobold (Actor.), Liz Trubridge (Producer), Penelope Wilton (Actor.)

Reihen: Downton Abbey (series 4)

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243Keine114,597 (3.8)Keine
1922. Six months after Matthew's tragic death, his loss is still felt throughout Downton Abbey. Mary struggles to face a new future with her fatherless child, and is encouraged by the family to pick up the pieces. Accepting a new role on the estate, the now-eligible Mary also finds herself the reluctant object of attention from a number of eager suitors. With the twenties in full swing and the tides of change sweeping through Downton, Rose's continued attraction to the bright lights of London spells trouble for the Crawleys, and Edith's budding relationship with Michael Gregson is threatened by events beyond her control. Meanwhile, below stairs, passions run high and young hearts look set to be broken.… (mehr)
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (10 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Fellowes, JulianCreatorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Bonneville, HughCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Carmichael, LauraCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Carter, JimActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Coyle, BrendanCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
David, JoannaActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Dockery, MichelleActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Doyle, KevinActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Frogatt, JoanneActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
James, LilyActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
James-Collier, RobActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Leech, AllenActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Logan, PhyllisActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
MacLaine, ShirleyActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Marchant, NigelProducerCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
McGovern, ElizabethActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
McShera, SophieActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Milne, MattActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Neame, GarethProducerCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Nicol, LesleyActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Robb, DavidActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Smith, MaggieActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Speleers, EdActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Theobold, CaraActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Trubridge, LizProducerCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Wilton, PenelopeActor.Co-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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1922. Six months after Matthew's tragic death, his loss is still felt throughout Downton Abbey. Mary struggles to face a new future with her fatherless child, and is encouraged by the family to pick up the pieces. Accepting a new role on the estate, the now-eligible Mary also finds herself the reluctant object of attention from a number of eager suitors. With the twenties in full swing and the tides of change sweeping through Downton, Rose's continued attraction to the bright lights of London spells trouble for the Crawleys, and Edith's budding relationship with Michael Gregson is threatened by events beyond her control. Meanwhile, below stairs, passions run high and young hearts look set to be broken.

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4 7
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