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Cost Effective Self-sufficiency or the Middle-class Peasant

von Eve McLaughlin

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A guide that teaches you what you need to know about growing your own food and becoming self-sufficient. It includes gardening advice to help you grow fresh fruit and vegetables on your land, be it a garden or allotment, small or large. It also shows you how to store, process and preserve your homegrown harvest to make it last longer.|This is an inspirational guide to teach you everything you need to know about growing your own food and becoming self-sufficient. This updated version of the original guide to self-sufficiency has everything you need to start the good life. It includes the very latest gardening advice to help you grow fresh fruit and vegetables on your land, be it a garden or allotment, small or large. You can discover how to plan your site to make the most of it. Expert gardening tips explores the best planting times, how to start a garden from scratch and how to plan your crops. You can move closer to self-sufficiency with unusual ideas for how to store, process and preserve your homegrown harvest to make it last longer. You can brew your own beer and cider and learn how to bottle, cure, smoke and pickle your produce.… (mehr)
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A guide that teaches you what you need to know about growing your own food and becoming self-sufficient. It includes gardening advice to help you grow fresh fruit and vegetables on your land, be it a garden or allotment, small or large. It also shows you how to store, process and preserve your homegrown harvest to make it last longer.|This is an inspirational guide to teach you everything you need to know about growing your own food and becoming self-sufficient. This updated version of the original guide to self-sufficiency has everything you need to start the good life. It includes the very latest gardening advice to help you grow fresh fruit and vegetables on your land, be it a garden or allotment, small or large. You can discover how to plan your site to make the most of it. Expert gardening tips explores the best planting times, how to start a garden from scratch and how to plan your crops. You can move closer to self-sufficiency with unusual ideas for how to store, process and preserve your homegrown harvest to make it last longer. You can brew your own beer and cider and learn how to bottle, cure, smoke and pickle your produce.

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