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Mörderischer Mistral: Ein Provence-Krimi…
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Mörderischer Mistral: Ein Provence-Krimi mit Capitaine Roger Blanc (1) (Capitaine Roger Blanc Ermittelt, Band 1) (Original 2014; 2017. Auflage)

von Cay Rademacher (Autor)

Reihen: Roger Blanc (1)

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1179241,286 (3.39)8
"International Dagger Award shortlisted author of The Murderer in Ruins, Cay Rademacher, delivers a beautifully atmospheric new story with a captivating main character in Murderous Mistral: A Provence Mystery. Capitaine Roger Blanc, an investigator with the anti-corruption-unit of the French Gendarmerie, was a bit too succesfull in his investigations. He finds himself removed from Paris to the south of France, far away from political power. Or so it would seem. The stress is too much for his marriage, and he attempts to manage the break up while trying to settle into his new life in Provence in a 200-year-old, half-ruined house. At the same time, Blanc is tasked with his first murder case: A man with no friends and a lot of enemies, an outsider, was found shot and burned. When a second man dies under suspicious circumstances in the quaint French countryside, the Capitaine from Paris has to dig deep into the hidden, dark undersides of the Provence he never expected to see."--… (mehr)
Titel:Mörderischer Mistral: Ein Provence-Krimi mit Capitaine Roger Blanc (1) (Capitaine Roger Blanc Ermittelt, Band 1)
Autoren:Cay Rademacher (Autor)
Info:DuMont Buchverlag GmbH & Co. KG (2017), Ausgabe: 4, 272 Seiten
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, E-Books, Kriminalromane
Tags:Krimi, Krimiserie, Cozy Mystery, Provence


Mörderischer Mistral: Ein Provence-Krimi mit Capitaine Roger Blanc von Cay Rademacher (2014)

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonLauraF., fsnicholas, JoeB1934, norrcj, ClemensN, Bambean, Maciejunio
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Wer die Provence kennt oder kennenlernen möchte, wird dieses Buch lieben. Ein sehr leicht zu lesender Provence Krimi mit liebevoll gezeichneten Charakteren. Sehr unterhaltsam und mit einem glaubwürdigem Plot. Der Leser darf sich auf tolles Kopfkino freuen. Die sommerliche Provence wird lebendig und man möchte eigentlich nicht, dass der Krimi zu einem Ende kommt. Ich hätte mir persönlich noch etwas mehr Tiefgang zu den einzelnen Charakteren und der Umgebung vorstellen können. Die Liebe vom Autor zur Provence ist spürbar. Gut gefallen haben mir die Gedankenspiele des Kommissar Blanc, besonders wenn er die Atmosphäre des Midi beschreibt. Das nächste Buch von Cay Rademacher ist schon gekauft und ich bin gespannt auf die weiteren Abenteuer des Kommissars in der Camargue. "Moerderischer Mistral" wird der Leser wohl recht schnell lesen. Aber das macht ja auch ein gutes Buch aus, oder? Menschen mit weniger Zeit können das Buch auch mal zur Seite legen und der Wiedereinstieg sollte einfach sein. Die Leser können sich hier auf einen leichten provenzalischen Sommerkrimi freuen. ( )
  JornStraten | Feb 23, 2023 |
Interesting procedural; a Paris detective finds himself reassigned to a rural town in Provence after busting a corrupt minister... Under scrutiny (and with the help) of his former boss's wife, who is le juge d'instruction (examining magistrate) he is able to conduct the inquiry of the murder of a local thug and bring it to close.

A very interesting & compelling read. ( )
  Auntie-Nanuuq | Dec 25, 2020 |
This is the first volume in the Roger Blanc series. I have already read the fourth volume and have now decided to read this series from the beginning.
On the one hand, you get to know all the important people who belong to this series. On the other hand, it shows why Capitaine Blanc was transferred to Provence and how he learns to gain a foothold and make friends.
A troublemaker is found burned on the garbage dump. Blanc and his team will soon find out that various regional personalities have something to hide. But who among them is actually the bad guy? More murders have to be solved before they find him.
It was a cozy mystery and I will read the other books in this series as well. ( )
  Ameise1 | Apr 23, 2020 |
I had a very difficult time with this book because of the over use of French terms as well as French words and elaborate names.
The main character was not one that I could embrace with any warmth. ( )
  cyderry | Feb 4, 2018 |
There are two things I've taken away from my reading of Murderous Mistral: that when Blanc uncovers a scorpion, his first reaction isn't to stomp on it as most people would, and that, at certain times of the year, Provence smells overwhelmingly of wild thyme. That's not much, is it?

For the most part, I did not find either the characters or the mystery to be standouts. The absolute best parts of the book were the descriptions of the countryside and of Blanc's inherited home. I perked up every time he started to do something with that old building. Compared to my almost non-existent interest in the mystery, I would've been much happier if this had been turned into a fixer-upper series on Home and Garden Television.

Of course, your mileage may definitely vary, and although I did have problems with the characters and the story, I found Murderous Mistral to be worth reading for the loving descriptions of Provence alone. ( )
  cathyskye | Jan 30, 2018 |
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Il es midi, le jour lui-meme est en balance.  Albert Camus
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Roger Blanc trat einen Stein weg und erschreckte dadurch einen schwarzen Skorpion.
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"International Dagger Award shortlisted author of The Murderer in Ruins, Cay Rademacher, delivers a beautifully atmospheric new story with a captivating main character in Murderous Mistral: A Provence Mystery. Capitaine Roger Blanc, an investigator with the anti-corruption-unit of the French Gendarmerie, was a bit too succesfull in his investigations. He finds himself removed from Paris to the south of France, far away from political power. Or so it would seem. The stress is too much for his marriage, and he attempts to manage the break up while trying to settle into his new life in Provence in a 200-year-old, half-ruined house. At the same time, Blanc is tasked with his first murder case: A man with no friends and a lot of enemies, an outsider, was found shot and burned. When a second man dies under suspicious circumstances in the quaint French countryside, the Capitaine from Paris has to dig deep into the hidden, dark undersides of the Provence he never expected to see."--

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