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Common Ground: A Political Life [Paperback]…
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Common Ground: A Political Life [Paperback] [Mar 02, 2017] Justin Trudeau (2017. Auflage)

von Justin Trudeau (Autor)

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14110200,621 (3.98)17
Justin Trudeau's candid memoir reveals for the first time the experiences that have shaped him over the course of his life, showing how his passion for politics took root. From his childhood at the prime ministerial residence of 24 Sussex up to his role as leader of the Liberal party, the book captures the formative moments of his upbringing, including the influence of his father, Pierre Trudeau, who was prime minister before him, and the tragic death of his brother, Michel. Filled with anecdotes, personal reflections, and never-before-seen photographs from his own collection, Common Ground reveals an intimate portrait of the man who has thrust Canada back onto the world stage. The author's proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross Society.… (mehr)
Titel:Common Ground: A Political Life [Paperback] [Mar 02, 2017] Justin Trudeau
Autoren:Justin Trudeau (Autor)
Info:Oneworld Publications (2017)
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


Common Ground von Justin Trudeau

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"Common Ground" is that rare political autobiography which is a retrospective analysis of a political Scion's life and foray into politics. Trudeau is a new type of leader in a world where politics is synonymous with degeneracy. History, however, will be his final judge. The narrative is fluid and easy to comprehend (proving that Trudeau is a master communicator on both the podium and paper), the only downside being that some sections are rapidly cut short to keep the account moving. This only has the effect of skipping over somewhat crucial details. Nonetheless, an exceptional book and a timeless classic for all budding leaders. ( )
  Amarj33t_5ingh | Jul 8, 2022 |
Full disclosure: I like Justin Trudeau. I want him to be my Prime Minister. I knew that before picking up this book -- and that's why I picked up this book in the first place.

So, basically, I may be biased when I say that this is an amazing, thoughtful, and inspiring portrait of Justin Trudeau.

From his childhood to his current leadership position, he discusses the people and experiences that have helped shape him into the person he is today. With his anecdotes and conversational writing style, reading the book almost feels like sitting down for a discussion. And, perhaps best of all, the book provides a clearer picture of his beliefs and values than I've ever gotten from the media.

Yes, it feels a bit campaigny in spots for a memoir. But, I mean, 2015 is an election year. I'd be disappointed if his book didn't include at least a brief pitch for why he should be Canada's next prime minister.

And, let me tell you, after reading Common Ground, I'm more convinced than ever that he should be. ( )
  bucketofrhymes | Dec 13, 2017 |
A very sincere, passionate account incorporating both Justin's childhood, life with & without his father, and his future vision for Canada. It's a easy read, not necessarily name dropping little know political acolytes but rich in praise with Canada's youth, middle class & multicultural aspects. Less a manifesto and more a statement of intent, one can see the passion & sincerity behind his leadership bid. Interesting, involving & intriguing, I want to know & see more. Of interest to those who like Canadian politics but also what direction the country is heading I now. ( )
  aadyer | Aug 20, 2017 |
I must say that I am even more in respect of Mr. Trudeau after reading his autobiography. The first half of the book is about his family, childhood and how all of that shaped him into the man that he is. He speaks of his mother and her struggle with bi-polar disease, how she has become a spokesperson for it and his immense respect and love for her. His father, former PM of Canada and strict in many ways, but also a very loving father. He took time every day to spend quality time with his children. And raised them to never believe themselves ,to be better than others, with some very interesting examples. He speaks of the loss of his brother and the crushing impact it had on the family. He speaks of his wife, Sofie, how they had known each other through his brother, the depth of the love and respect he holds for her and the family they have made.

The respect he shows for all people shows as a part of his core makeup as is evidenced by his words. His belief in women's rights, the rights of immigrants, the rights of the poor and displaced. The theme that is repeated throughout the book is, We are stronger not in spite of, but because of our diversity. We, as Americans, can learn much from his lessons.

I have probably somewhat unfairly given it only four stars because I was far less enraptured with the second half of the book as he spoke at much length about his rise through the political system. Though I realize its importance, I found it rather tedious at many points. I did appreciate the things he had to say about equality and a more equal distribution of wealth, which most economists state as a necessity for a healthy economy and society. And though the US holds the gauntlet on the extremes on this, it has become an issue in many, if not most countries. He also spoke much about the inclusion of all people in Canada and how they came close to becoming two Canadas and the steps taken that prevented that. He ends the book with an absolutely beautiful First Nation's poem.

Its worth reading to learn more about this amazing man and its also full of pictures of him! :)
05/02/2017 ( )
  sephibitchwitch | May 3, 2017 |
Common Ground

A well-written book that gives the reader an insight into the thought process and background of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

One of the many ideas that I share with our Prime Minister is the value of an informed public in the decision making process. While some in other parties win elections when citizens are misinformed and disengaged from the political process, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the modern Canadian Liberal party have shown us that a well-informed, literate and intelligent population is something to cherish rather than be afraid of.

While I do not agree with every single idea the Prime Minister has put forward, I do agree with his core values and almost all of his policy positions and beliefs. Furthermore, the shift in attitude and spirit from that of the previous federal government is so great that, fortunately for Canadians, Justin Trudeau has genuinely earned the right to be our Prime Minister.

Just as his father’s election victory of 1968 brought in a new era of politics so has Justin Trudeau’s election victory of 2015 marked the end of a negative chapter in Canada’s political history and the start of a more hopeful future for all of us. In his first year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has done more good than the previous government did in a decade. This is one of the many reasons why I am proud of not only Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada, but also to be a Canadian.

The Prime Minister also gives us a glimpse into his family life. The story about how he lost his brother Michel is one that I can personally relate to. It's never easy to lose a loved one, often because we never get a chance to properly say goodbye. When people are yanked out of our lives suddenly, it is a difficult situation to deal with. I hope that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is at peace with what happened to his brother, and I'm positive Michel is proud of what his older brother has accomplished.

Have a great day Prime Minister, I really enjoyed your book. ( )
  robinjchase | Oct 29, 2016 |
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Dedicate to mt best friend, partner, and soulmate.  Thank you for all you do, and for all you are.  Je t'aime, Sophie.
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Justin Trudeau's candid memoir reveals for the first time the experiences that have shaped him over the course of his life, showing how his passion for politics took root. From his childhood at the prime ministerial residence of 24 Sussex up to his role as leader of the Liberal party, the book captures the formative moments of his upbringing, including the influence of his father, Pierre Trudeau, who was prime minister before him, and the tragic death of his brother, Michel. Filled with anecdotes, personal reflections, and never-before-seen photographs from his own collection, Common Ground reveals an intimate portrait of the man who has thrust Canada back onto the world stage. The author's proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross Society.

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