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The Never, Um, Ever Ending Story: Life, Countdown and Everything in Between

von Ian Molly with Jeff Jenkins Meldrum

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42Keine615,295 (3.33)1
In 1974 Ian 'Molly' Meldrum was working as a record producer and music journalist when he was offered the chance to host a new music show called Countdown. It was a show that would run for the next thirteen years and become one of the most-loved and most-watched programs on Australian television. It also turned Molly into a national institution (or 'mental institution' as one of his friends put it). During that period he not only became the most influential voice in Australian music, he endeared himself to millions of viewers with a uniquely unpolished interviewing style and a tangible on-screen passion. For better or worse, whether interviewing Prince Charles or Sid Vicious, Molly was always Molly. Along the way he talked, partied, argued, exchanged blows and became firm friends with a rollcall of the world's greatest musical names. Filled with outrageous anecdotes, an incredible cast of musos, deadbeats, transvestites and international superstars, The Never Um Ever Ending Story is Molly's hilarious, vivid, warm and always compelling memoir of these incredible years.… (mehr)
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To my Grandma, my mother Isobel and my father Robert

Nanna Peele and Michael Fox -

and Ronnie Burns' parents Aunty Edna and Uncle Bob,

who took me into their home for nine years and gave me a new life.

I would also like to dedicate this book to a girl I loved as

my dear friend -

Jan Pickett. She made me laugh and she made me cry

Crystal, Morgan and myself miss you so much.
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In 1974 Ian 'Molly' Meldrum was working as a record producer and music journalist when he was offered the chance to host a new music show called Countdown. It was a show that would run for the next thirteen years and become one of the most-loved and most-watched programs on Australian television. It also turned Molly into a national institution (or 'mental institution' as one of his friends put it). During that period he not only became the most influential voice in Australian music, he endeared himself to millions of viewers with a uniquely unpolished interviewing style and a tangible on-screen passion. For better or worse, whether interviewing Prince Charles or Sid Vicious, Molly was always Molly. Along the way he talked, partied, argued, exchanged blows and became firm friends with a rollcall of the world's greatest musical names. Filled with outrageous anecdotes, an incredible cast of musos, deadbeats, transvestites and international superstars, The Never Um Ever Ending Story is Molly's hilarious, vivid, warm and always compelling memoir of these incredible years.

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