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The Antichrist and Gog and Magog

von Maulana Muhammad Ali

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This has got to be one of the best books any Muslim can read. It reveals the truths regarding the mysterious Dajjal and Gog and Magag. The prophecies relating to these figures are explained in such a way as to convince even the most unrelenting critic. What is most satisfying is that the explanations of the prophecies can be witnessed in the world we live in today! Those whose conscience would not allow them to believe in the fairy-tale like stories normally related to this topic, will be overwhelmed to learn the true realistic significance of the prophecies of the antichrist in the latter days as well as the convincing evidence in support of this interpretation (from the Quran, Bible, and Hadith reports). As already mentioned, Muslims wanting to understand the global trials and effects of Islam in the latter days will find this book an invaluable asset.… (mehr)
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This has got to be one of the best books any Muslim can read. It reveals the truths regarding the mysterious Dajjal and Gog and Magag. The prophecies relating to these figures are explained in such a way as to convince even the most unrelenting critic. What is most satisfying is that the explanations of the prophecies can be witnessed in the world we live in today! Those whose conscience would not allow them to believe in the fairy-tale like stories normally related to this topic, will be overwhelmed to learn the true realistic significance of the prophecies of the antichrist in the latter days as well as the convincing evidence in support of this interpretation (from the Quran, Bible, and Hadith reports). As already mentioned, Muslims wanting to understand the global trials and effects of Islam in the latter days will find this book an invaluable asset.

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