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Faithful: A Novel von Alice Hoffman
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Faithful: A Novel (2016. Auflage)

von Alice Hoffman (Autor)

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1,0027121,593 (3.98)30
Growing up on Long Island, Shelby Richmond is an ordinary girl until one night an extraordinary tragedy changes her fate. Her best friend's future is destroyed in an accident, while Shelby walks away with the burden of guilt. What happens when a life is turned inside out? When love is something so distant it may as well be a star in the sky? Faithful is the story of a survivor, filled with emotion--from dark suffering to true happiness--a moving portrait of a young woman finding her way in the modern world. A fan of Chinese food, dogs, bookstores, and men she should stay away from, Shelby has to fight her way back to her own future. In New York City she finds a circle of lost and found souls--including an angel who's been watching over her ever since that fateful icy night.… (mehr)
Titel:Faithful: A Novel
Autoren:Alice Hoffman (Autor)
Info:Simon & Schuster (2016), Edition: First Edition, 272 pages
Sammlungen:Lese gerade


Faithful von Alice Hoffman

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About 15 minutes into this audio book, I stopped the narration and double-checked that I had downloaded the correct book. "Faithful" was nothing at all like my last experience with Alice Hoffman -- [b:The Marriage of Opposites|23492741|The Marriage of Opposites|Alice Hoffman||43082583], with its complexity and lyrical language. I thought for sure I had mistakenly clicked on the latest YA release. My screen confirmed that, indeed, this was Hoffman and that "Faithful" was a very different book than "Opposites."

Once I let go of my expectations for what this book was "supposed" to be, I found that I enjoyed and appreciated it. In this novel, a teen-aged Shelby is behind the wheel when a car accident leaves her best friend bedridden in a coma. We see Shelby's downward spiral into self-destruction and despair as a result of depression and survivor's guilt. Hoffman aptly captures not only Shelby's emotions, but the those of her parents as they watch their daughter punish herself for the accident.

While this book is not officially a YA novel, it definitely had that sort of feel about it, and those who don't care for that genre will likely not enjoy this book.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for a galley of this book in exchange for an honest review. While I was provided with a galley I chose to listen to an audio version, which was excellent. ( )
  jj24 | May 27, 2024 |
The book starts with the aftermath of a car accident. Shelby Richmond was driving and slid on ice; her best friend ended up in a coma. Shelby has terrible survivor's guilt and has a nervous breakdown. Gradually, she puts her life back together with the help of her loving mother, Ben, her pot dealer and lover, a new friend Maravelle, and a mix of dogs. Through all the ups and downs, Shelby clings to the postcards she receives from "her angel," the unknown man who sat by her the night of the accident until the ambulance came.
I've never read a bad Alice Hoffman book, but this one might be one of my favorites. The writing is excellent, with all the little details that make Shelby such a genuine and caring person, despite how she goes off the rails for a while. Her interactions with Maravelle's family and how she stole her dogs to save them show that she does not deserve the self-loathing she feels after the accident.
It's a beautiful story that I savored, and I can see myself rereading this in the future. Meanwhile, I highly recommend it. ( )
  N.W.Moors | Mar 28, 2023 |
Shelby and her friend are in a horrible car accident, which leaves her friend in a coma. Shelby deals with survivor’s guilt and depression. She moves in with a person she does not care about and treats him poorly. Her family’s situation is not conducive to healing. She struggles to piece together a life after more than one traumatic experience.

I had previously read and enjoyed a book by Alice Hoffman, but this particular book felt like it was written by a different person. It is almost, but not quite “young adult.” I say almost because it deals with adult content, such as rape, drugs, and attempted suicide.

It starts with a glimpse of spirituality, but this aspect is soon forgotten. Somehow Shelby retains the good favor of many people despite how poorly she treats them. Her path through the darkness of survivor’s guilt is mostly covered by repetitive remarks about what a horrible person she thinks she is. This is a novel that remains mostly on the surface with little exploration of deeper thoughts or learning from experiences.

I am not generally a fan of contemporary fiction, and this one falls into some of the same traps that I do not care for, such as melodrama, rescuing of the heroine via romantic relationships, and many unlikely events. If it is intended to be hopeful, it did not come across that way to me. It felt unreal and unsatisfying. I think I will stick to Hoffman’s historical fiction, such The Marriage of Opposites, which I enjoyed very much. ( )
  Castlelass | Oct 30, 2022 |
2.5. It was ok. Spent a long time wondering if I should give it up but it improved a bit towards the end, finally.... but for the dogs I would have packed it in ( )
  daaft | Aug 13, 2022 |
Even though some part in the beginning are almost unbearable to read this novel captured my attention right away. I almost could not put the book down. Alice Hoffman deftly sketches Shelby Richmond's guilt, self- loathing and confusion, followed by her struggles to get a hold of her life. However, I think that the ending could have been a little more realistic, instead of almost literally driving off into the sunset. ( )
  Marietje.Halbertsma | Jan 9, 2022 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Hoffman, AliceHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Tamblyn, AmberErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt


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Ring the bells that still can ring 
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
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In February, when the snow comes down hard, little globes of light are left along Route 110, on the side of the road that slopes off when a driver least expects it.
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A man you love will walk away from you and not look back. A women will stupidly cast away a true love. A sheet of ice will await you. A dog will be your best friend.
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Growing up on Long Island, Shelby Richmond is an ordinary girl until one night an extraordinary tragedy changes her fate. Her best friend's future is destroyed in an accident, while Shelby walks away with the burden of guilt. What happens when a life is turned inside out? When love is something so distant it may as well be a star in the sky? Faithful is the story of a survivor, filled with emotion--from dark suffering to true happiness--a moving portrait of a young woman finding her way in the modern world. A fan of Chinese food, dogs, bookstores, and men she should stay away from, Shelby has to fight her way back to her own future. In New York City she finds a circle of lost and found souls--including an angel who's been watching over her ever since that fateful icy night.

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Durchschnitt: (3.98)
2 13
3 33
3.5 22
4 115
4.5 14
5 59

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