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Si Se Puede: A Biography of Cesar Chavez

von Paul Brody

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Cesario Estrada Chavez, more commonly known as Cesar Chavez, was a highly influential activist worker who created a union for farm workers all across the United States. Many organizations and activists before him had attempted to unionize the farm workers in California, but Cesar Chavez was the first to succeed. For his efforts and accomplishments, he is celebrated as a great advocate for equality and non-violence, especially among the Latin American population, where his name is often mentioned in reverence and his famous motto "Si Se Puede" (which roughly translates to "it is possible") is still used to inspire hope. Cesar Chavez's legacy remains in the form of monuments, buildings, and streets dedicated to the activist hero, as well as a national holiday on March 31, his birthday. In modern day, his nonviolent efforts and goals are often compared to other famous peaceful activists such as Gandhi.This book is an informal look into his life and legacy.… (mehr)
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Cesario Estrada Chavez, more commonly known as Cesar Chavez, was a highly influential activist worker who created a union for farm workers all across the United States. Many organizations and activists before him had attempted to unionize the farm workers in California, but Cesar Chavez was the first to succeed. For his efforts and accomplishments, he is celebrated as a great advocate for equality and non-violence, especially among the Latin American population, where his name is often mentioned in reverence and his famous motto "Si Se Puede" (which roughly translates to "it is possible") is still used to inspire hope. Cesar Chavez's legacy remains in the form of monuments, buildings, and streets dedicated to the activist hero, as well as a national holiday on March 31, his birthday. In modern day, his nonviolent efforts and goals are often compared to other famous peaceful activists such as Gandhi.This book is an informal look into his life and legacy.

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