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The Big Picture Interactive 52-Week Bible Story Devotional: Connecting Christ Throughout God’s Story (The Big Picture Interactive / The Gospel Project)

von B&H Editorial Staff

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Bring the Bible to life each week of the year! This unique 52-week devotional is packed with value and includes interactivity kids will love. A Bible story is at the center of each weekly devotion, and a two-to-four minute video is available by scanning a QR code. Plus, a free downloadable app lets kids experience a digital "pop-up" (using Augmented Reality) of each Bible story along with narration by Jenna Lucado Bishop. The Big Picture Interactive Bible Story Devotional is the perfect way to bring the Bible to life in a kid's heart!   Features include:  * 52 devotions based on Bible stories * QR codes that link to Bible-story based videos for each devotion * "Christ Connections" that spotlight God's salvation plan throughout the Bible * A free Augmented-Reality app that brings the art and story remarkably to life as digital "pop-ups" with audio narration… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonpeckelli, sdevor, RoniYoder, Johnson2011, JonnyPollock, COK, CCCI
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Bring the Bible to life each week of the year! This unique 52-week devotional is packed with value and includes interactivity kids will love. A Bible story is at the center of each weekly devotion, and a two-to-four minute video is available by scanning a QR code. Plus, a free downloadable app lets kids experience a digital "pop-up" (using Augmented Reality) of each Bible story along with narration by Jenna Lucado Bishop. The Big Picture Interactive Bible Story Devotional is the perfect way to bring the Bible to life in a kid's heart!   Features include:  * 52 devotions based on Bible stories * QR codes that link to Bible-story based videos for each devotion * "Christ Connections" that spotlight God's salvation plan throughout the Bible * A free Augmented-Reality app that brings the art and story remarkably to life as digital "pop-ups" with audio narration

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