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Spy Sites of Washington, DC: A Guide to the Capital Region's Secret History

von Robert Wallace

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This is a guidebook to the most important and fascinating spy sites in Washington, DC and suburban Virginia and Maryland. Melton and Wallace bring to life over two hundred years of the secret side to the nation's capital through history, images, and locations that readers can visit. The book contains 220 entries that give brief histories of key cases linked to a site where spies lived, worked, or were caught in the act. Melton and Wallace describe virtually every conceivable type of spy activity--all of which have played out here. The book is richly illustrated with well over 300 photos of sites, people, and spy gadgets. Also included are maps and lists of spy sites by neighborhood, city, or county so that readers can undertake their own spy-site tours. The untold or little-known stories of the secret operations and spy sites hidden throughout the DC region will fascinate spy enthusiasts and visitors and even surprise longtime residents of the area.… (mehr)
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This is a guidebook to the most important and fascinating spy sites in Washington, DC and suburban Virginia and Maryland. Melton and Wallace bring to life over two hundred years of the secret side to the nation's capital through history, images, and locations that readers can visit. The book contains 220 entries that give brief histories of key cases linked to a site where spies lived, worked, or were caught in the act. Melton and Wallace describe virtually every conceivable type of spy activity--all of which have played out here. The book is richly illustrated with well over 300 photos of sites, people, and spy gadgets. Also included are maps and lists of spy sites by neighborhood, city, or county so that readers can undertake their own spy-site tours. The untold or little-known stories of the secret operations and spy sites hidden throughout the DC region will fascinate spy enthusiasts and visitors and even surprise longtime residents of the area.

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