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Cat Tales: True Stories of Kindness and…
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Cat Tales: True Stories of Kindness and Companionship With Kitties (2017. Auflage)

von Aline Alexander Newman (Autor), Mieshelle Nagelschneider (Vorwort)

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312794,027 (4.14)Keine
We humans love our cats and these surprising true stories will prove our cats love us back! This collection of tales of playfulness, friendship, heroism, and inspiration is sure to touch the soul, tickle the funny bone, and inspire animal lovers everywhere to be the best kitty caretakers and companions they can be. There's Bambi, whose owners taught her to respond to commands in American Sign Language; Millie, who loves exploring the outdoors and goes rock climbing with her owner; Leo, a rescued lion who changed the life of one South African family forever, and more.… (mehr)
Titel:Cat Tales: True Stories of Kindness and Companionship With Kitties
Autoren:Aline Alexander Newman (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Mieshelle Nagelschneider (Vorwort)
Info:National Geographic Children's Books (2017), 160 pages


Cat Tales: True Stories of Kindness and Companionship With Kitties von Aline Alexander Newman

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This is a really lovely book. For catlovers especially there will be many stories that will no doubt sound familiar to them. The book is divided into categories of cats (for example, Adventurous) and within each of these categories a specific cat is featured. Each story describes how the cat’s owner came to have it and then goes on to talk about the special ability that sets them apart from other cats.

The quality of the writing in this book is really good and very pleasurable to read. I found myself having a laugh at some of the stories and touched by others. There is something here for every cat lover. Some of the stories include: a rock climbing cat; a school traffic warden; a bus riding cat; a seeing eye cat for the family’s dog; there’s even a story about a lion! I absolutely love this book and believe it is a worth while read. ( )
  zarasecker18 | Aug 22, 2018 |
Our family has always been a "cat family". When I met my husband, he had two cats and I had one. Our children grew up with our cats as pets and then after long and happy lives, our cats died peacefully. Two years ago this summer, we found a kitten in our garbage can and nursed her, sang to her, and were patient with her until she was ready to come close to us. She has been in our home ever since.

The stories of special cats in CAT TALES will warm your heart and surprise you with their amazing feats of bravery and kindness that these cats shared with others. I was especially fond of Holly's story. Holly found her way back home walking 190 miles to find her owners after she ran away from them on a vacation. Holly was determined to find her way back home and her story was amazing. Our cat, Buddy, many years ago, ran away from home. We thought we would never see him again, but then one night, exactly 30 days later, my husband saw him walking up the driveway. We have no idea where he went or what he had been doing for 30 days, but we were sure glad he was back home. Much like us, Jacob and Bonnie welcomed Holly back home and cared for her after her long journey home. I'm sure they wish Holly could tell them all about her journey!

Other stories, like Monty, who was chosen at a shelter, ended up saving the life of his owner after she suffered from a diabetic attack. With no training, Monty has alerted his owner numerous times to low blood sugar.

This small book is packed full of amazing stories of average cats and even celebrity cats and what makes them so special. Each story is full of photography of the featured cat in his environment and doing what they love.

Children would love having these stories read to them and older children will appreciate reading a story or two during a car ride or before bed. They are quick reads and will leave you feeling happy. ( )
  Staciele | Jun 4, 2017 |
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We humans love our cats and these surprising true stories will prove our cats love us back! This collection of tales of playfulness, friendship, heroism, and inspiration is sure to touch the soul, tickle the funny bone, and inspire animal lovers everywhere to be the best kitty caretakers and companions they can be. There's Bambi, whose owners taught her to respond to commands in American Sign Language; Millie, who loves exploring the outdoors and goes rock climbing with her owner; Leo, a rescued lion who changed the life of one South African family forever, and more.

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