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Song of the Dark Crystal #2 (Jim Henson's…
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Song of the Dark Crystal #2 (Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal) (Original 2017; 2018. Auflage)

von J. Lee M. (Autor)

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Kylan of Sami Thicket is a skilled song teller, but singing the tales of long-gone heroes won't help his friends as they journey into dangerous, unknown lands. After uncovering the betrayal of the Skeksis Lords, he and his friend Naia are on the run, pursued by the Skeksis's underlings and outcast even among their fellow Gelfling. But Kylan knows the truth must be told, no matter how difficult the telling. Maybe there's use for a song teller after all...… (mehr)
Titel:Song of the Dark Crystal #2 (Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal)
Autoren:J. Lee M. (Autor)
Info:Penguin Workshop (2018), Edition: Reprint, 272 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


Song of the Dark Crystal von J. M. Lee (2017)

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I really enjoyed this next book in the 'The Dark Crystal' Series. I like that the second book changed to the perspective of a different character so that we get some new kinds of insights into the characters.

I have watched the Netflix show, "The Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance." While the overarching story does seem to be very similar between the show and this series, there are also many differences as well. However, because I had watched the series, I was able to pick up on subtle foreshadowing and guess their outcome much faster than someone who may not have watched the series yet.

The things that bothered me are very small things. Again, related to the Mystics, even though at least one of the characters knew the word in the last book, here it seemed to suddenly be new again. Also, at one point the characters referred to something that had happened earlier in the book and used a color word in their recalling it. Yet, when I went back to try and figure out what this incident was, that color was only mentioned once, despite a lot of other visual description throughout.

One thing Lee does with descriptions though of the world that I love is that he seems to so effortlessly describe the world as if he and we the readers were Gelfling. "... shaking the seriousness off like a fizzgig that had come in out of the rain." I have never seen a fizzgig do this, yet at the same time I can picture it in my mind. ( )
  Sara_Cat | Mar 6, 2021 |
The expansion is seamless. I hope the entirety of the series continues this smooth flow of pacing for the story and the gradual building of characters and settings and the deft unfolding of the plot. ( )
  benuathanasia | Sep 7, 2019 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
J. M. LeeHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Godbey, CoryIllustratorHauptautoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Gerold, SusanneÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Kylan of Sami Thicket is a skilled song teller, but singing the tales of long-gone heroes won't help his friends as they journey into dangerous, unknown lands. After uncovering the betrayal of the Skeksis Lords, he and his friend Naia are on the run, pursued by the Skeksis's underlings and outcast even among their fellow Gelfling. But Kylan knows the truth must be told, no matter how difficult the telling. Maybe there's use for a song teller after all...

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