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Mindfully Mobile: A guide for frequent flyers and road warriors to maintain Performance and Wellness when on the road

von Anne Altizer, Chris Altizer

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"Award-Winning Finalist in the "Self-Help: General" category of the 2017 International Book Awards"!Mindfully Mobile is a guide for frequent flyers, road warriors and chronic commuters to balance and integrate simple practices of fitness, fueling, centering, and safety to improve and maintain personal and professional performance and wellness on the road and off. This book succinctly presents mindfulness in a science-based, non-religious framework that can be applied in everyday life. Mindfully Mobile provides practical, simple practices for people with little discretionary time who feel the stress of balancing the demands of professional and personal life. It is designed to be read in the time of a flight, practiced in the space of a seat, and tweaked in the course of a life."There are lots of books available about mindfulness, but this book is unique in that it gets to the heart of what business people need. An easy read, the Altizers give us step-by-step, easy-to-understand steps about how to incorporate immediate changes into our lives. Thankfully, this book doesn't require an advanced degree in psychology or a black belt in karate, or a body fat of 10% to become and remain healthy, safe and effective. I made changes as I read the book - some as simple as the trying three-part breath sitting at the airport gate and increasing my flexibility while sitting in the plane. I really like concrete examples and this book is full of them."ContentsIntroduction. Defines mindfulness; describes the challenges of frequent travel; outlines Fit, Fueled, Centered and Safe practice areas. Performance & Wellness - Integrated. Defines performance and wellness in context of mind, body and spirit practices; value of Integration as alignment of practices for efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.Mindfully Fit - Yes, You Can. Details practices to effectively maintain levels of fitness with limited time, luggage space, and changing schedules by making the most of odd blocks of time and cramped spaces to optimize flexibility, strength, and overall fitness without packing gym gear.Mindfully Fueled - Fueling for Health and Energy. Details practices to optimally fuel when lacking control of the menu or venue by managing what you eat and drink to optimize the body's energy and contribute to your energy and goals of fitness and weight management.Mindfully Centered - Finding and Keeping Balance. Details practices to begin, work through, and end each day in balance with appropriate energy, focus, and personal centeredness through portable techniques to generate and release energy, build concentration, and manage your response to stress.Mindfully Safe - Confidence in Motion. Details practices and an integrated approach to maintaining personal safety and situational wellness through simple but effective techniques of perception and avoidance and techniques to create space and buy time. Conclusion - Go Mindful. Summarizes the practices and discusses practical approaches to obstacles and the value of taking the first step; summarizes the importance of being in the moment, with intention, and without judgment. Anne and Chris Altizer's unique capabilities in performance and wellness come from their professional and personal experiences and expertise. They have each been "road warriors" in their time and together have earned over five million lifetime frequent flyer miles globally. Each possesses an diverse set of experiences - small-business owner/global corporate executive, certified personal trainer/senior human resources leader, equestrian /scuba instructor. They share passions and accomplishments, including both becoming RYT 200 yoga teachers and both being martial arts instructors for over a decade. As working parents and caregivers, they have learned, sometimes repeatedly, the importance of taking care of mind, body and spirit when life requires travel and coach class is as good as it gets.… (mehr)
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Anne AltizerHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Altizer, ChrisHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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"Award-Winning Finalist in the "Self-Help: General" category of the 2017 International Book Awards"!Mindfully Mobile is a guide for frequent flyers, road warriors and chronic commuters to balance and integrate simple practices of fitness, fueling, centering, and safety to improve and maintain personal and professional performance and wellness on the road and off. This book succinctly presents mindfulness in a science-based, non-religious framework that can be applied in everyday life. Mindfully Mobile provides practical, simple practices for people with little discretionary time who feel the stress of balancing the demands of professional and personal life. It is designed to be read in the time of a flight, practiced in the space of a seat, and tweaked in the course of a life."There are lots of books available about mindfulness, but this book is unique in that it gets to the heart of what business people need. An easy read, the Altizers give us step-by-step, easy-to-understand steps about how to incorporate immediate changes into our lives. Thankfully, this book doesn't require an advanced degree in psychology or a black belt in karate, or a body fat of 10% to become and remain healthy, safe and effective. I made changes as I read the book - some as simple as the trying three-part breath sitting at the airport gate and increasing my flexibility while sitting in the plane. I really like concrete examples and this book is full of them."ContentsIntroduction. Defines mindfulness; describes the challenges of frequent travel; outlines Fit, Fueled, Centered and Safe practice areas. Performance & Wellness - Integrated. Defines performance and wellness in context of mind, body and spirit practices; value of Integration as alignment of practices for efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.Mindfully Fit - Yes, You Can. Details practices to effectively maintain levels of fitness with limited time, luggage space, and changing schedules by making the most of odd blocks of time and cramped spaces to optimize flexibility, strength, and overall fitness without packing gym gear.Mindfully Fueled - Fueling for Health and Energy. Details practices to optimally fuel when lacking control of the menu or venue by managing what you eat and drink to optimize the body's energy and contribute to your energy and goals of fitness and weight management.Mindfully Centered - Finding and Keeping Balance. Details practices to begin, work through, and end each day in balance with appropriate energy, focus, and personal centeredness through portable techniques to generate and release energy, build concentration, and manage your response to stress.Mindfully Safe - Confidence in Motion. Details practices and an integrated approach to maintaining personal safety and situational wellness through simple but effective techniques of perception and avoidance and techniques to create space and buy time. Conclusion - Go Mindful. Summarizes the practices and discusses practical approaches to obstacles and the value of taking the first step; summarizes the importance of being in the moment, with intention, and without judgment. Anne and Chris Altizer's unique capabilities in performance and wellness come from their professional and personal experiences and expertise. They have each been "road warriors" in their time and together have earned over five million lifetime frequent flyer miles globally. Each possesses an diverse set of experiences - small-business owner/global corporate executive, certified personal trainer/senior human resources leader, equestrian /scuba instructor. They share passions and accomplishments, including both becoming RYT 200 yoga teachers and both being martial arts instructors for over a decade. As working parents and caregivers, they have learned, sometimes repeatedly, the importance of taking care of mind, body and spirit when life requires travel and coach class is as good as it gets.

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