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The Maps of Gettysburg, eBook Short #3: The Second Day, July 2, 1863

von Bradley M. Gottfried

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More academic and photographic accounts on the battle of Gettysburg exist than for all other battles of the Civil War combined—and for good reason. The three days of maneuver, attack, and counterattack consisted of scores of encounters, from corps-size actions to small unit engagements. Despite all its coverage, Gettysburg remains one of the most complex and difficult to understand battles of the war. The Maps Gettysburg by Bradley Gottfried offers a unique approach to the study of this multifaceted engagement. Now available as an ebook short, The Maps of Gettysburg: The Second Day, July 2, 1863 plows new ground in the study of the campaign by breaking down the entire campaign in 48 detailed full page original maps. These cartographic creations bore down to the regimental level, offering students of the campaign a unique and fascinating approach to studying what may have been the climactic battle of the war. The Maps of Gettysburg: The Second Day, July 2, 1863 offers eleven “action-sections” including: Little Round Top - Devil’s Den and the Slaughter Pen - The Wheatfield and Stony Hill - The Peach Orchard - Crushing Humphreys’ Division - The Fight Along Plum Run - Wright Tries the Union Center - The Valley of Death - Cemetery Hill - The Fight for Culp’s Hill - Evening July 2 – Morning July 3 Gottfried’s original maps enrich each map section. Keyed to each piece of cartography is detailed text about the units, personnel, movements, and combat (including quotes from eyewitnesses) that make the Gettysburg story come alive. This presentation allows readers to easily and quickly find a map and text on virtually any portion of the campaign. Serious students of the battle will appreciate the extensive endnotes and will want to take this book with them on their trips to the battlefield. Perfect for the easy chair or for stomping the hallowed ground of Gettysburg, The Maps of Gettysburg promises to be a seminal work that belongs on the bookshelf of every serious and casual student of the battle.… (mehr)
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More academic and photographic accounts on the battle of Gettysburg exist than for all other battles of the Civil War combined—and for good reason. The three days of maneuver, attack, and counterattack consisted of scores of encounters, from corps-size actions to small unit engagements. Despite all its coverage, Gettysburg remains one of the most complex and difficult to understand battles of the war. The Maps Gettysburg by Bradley Gottfried offers a unique approach to the study of this multifaceted engagement. Now available as an ebook short, The Maps of Gettysburg: The Second Day, July 2, 1863 plows new ground in the study of the campaign by breaking down the entire campaign in 48 detailed full page original maps. These cartographic creations bore down to the regimental level, offering students of the campaign a unique and fascinating approach to studying what may have been the climactic battle of the war. The Maps of Gettysburg: The Second Day, July 2, 1863 offers eleven “action-sections” including: Little Round Top - Devil’s Den and the Slaughter Pen - The Wheatfield and Stony Hill - The Peach Orchard - Crushing Humphreys’ Division - The Fight Along Plum Run - Wright Tries the Union Center - The Valley of Death - Cemetery Hill - The Fight for Culp’s Hill - Evening July 2 – Morning July 3 Gottfried’s original maps enrich each map section. Keyed to each piece of cartography is detailed text about the units, personnel, movements, and combat (including quotes from eyewitnesses) that make the Gettysburg story come alive. This presentation allows readers to easily and quickly find a map and text on virtually any portion of the campaign. Serious students of the battle will appreciate the extensive endnotes and will want to take this book with them on their trips to the battlefield. Perfect for the easy chair or for stomping the hallowed ground of Gettysburg, The Maps of Gettysburg promises to be a seminal work that belongs on the bookshelf of every serious and casual student of the battle.

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