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Gnani Purush - Part 2 (In Gujarati)

von Dada Bhagwan

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In the book, "Gnani Purush Part-2", we get a complete picture of Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan's ideal conduct amid His amazing state of detachment, during His married life with Hiraba. Their entire married life, right from the moment Param Pujya Dadashri met Hiraba, upto the last moment when she departed from His life and the world, has been compiled in this book, in Param Pujya Dadashri's own words. We not only get to read about His positive outlook in every interaction, His art of taking adjustment, His wise tactics, His state that is devoid of illusion, free from attachment, without any suffering in painful events and His ultimate state of detachment we get to learn from it and apply it in our lives. When He made a mistake, His insight of coming out of those mistakes, and His ardent desire to see the other person as faultless and look for His own faults instead, is revealed here. The reader gets to see the entire journey of how, through His understanding, filled with wisdom, He kept freeing Himself from each difference of opinion, and lived with Hiraba. To the great merit of people of today's age, they get to see the married life of the Gnani Purush. Having taken the adjustments, there is not an iota of idealism lacking in His worldly conduct. It is a heart-felt prayer that the in-depth study of this book proves useful in making our worldly conduct ideal and in completing our journey on the path of liberation without any obstacles.… (mehr)
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In the book, "Gnani Purush Part-2", we get a complete picture of Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan's ideal conduct amid His amazing state of detachment, during His married life with Hiraba. Their entire married life, right from the moment Param Pujya Dadashri met Hiraba, upto the last moment when she departed from His life and the world, has been compiled in this book, in Param Pujya Dadashri's own words. We not only get to read about His positive outlook in every interaction, His art of taking adjustment, His wise tactics, His state that is devoid of illusion, free from attachment, without any suffering in painful events and His ultimate state of detachment we get to learn from it and apply it in our lives. When He made a mistake, His insight of coming out of those mistakes, and His ardent desire to see the other person as faultless and look for His own faults instead, is revealed here. The reader gets to see the entire journey of how, through His understanding, filled with wisdom, He kept freeing Himself from each difference of opinion, and lived with Hiraba. To the great merit of people of today's age, they get to see the married life of the Gnani Purush. Having taken the adjustments, there is not an iota of idealism lacking in His worldly conduct. It is a heart-felt prayer that the in-depth study of this book proves useful in making our worldly conduct ideal and in completing our journey on the path of liberation without any obstacles.

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