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The Power of Positive Coaching: The Mindset…
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The Power of Positive Coaching: The Mindset and Habits to Inspire Winning Results and Relationships (2019. Auflage)

von Lee Colan (Autor)

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Positive Coaching Mindset x Positive Coaching Habits = Winning Results and Relationships Most coaching books focus on skills and scripts. But without the right mindset, those skills and scripts will not yield the response and results your want from your team. When you have a positive mindset, you are able to see more opportunities for growth and improvement. Coaching is not just about investing in others-it's about investing in yourself. When you grow, you can better help others grow. The Power of Positive Coaching shows you how to elevate your coaching game and drive winning results and relationships. Acclaimed coaches Lee Colan, Ph. D. and Julie Davis-Colan reveal how to build a positive coaching mindset that you can use to apply the five positive coaching habits With this book as your guide, you'll learn how to: * Develop a more positive mindset to leverage on the job and in your personal life * Build proven, positive coaching habits by using simple tools and techniques * Inspire better results and relationships on your team * Explain the circle of consequences to gain alignment * Ask purposeful questions to ignite engagement * Involve your team to reduce the eight areas of waste to enlist ownership * Measure performance with relevant scoreboards to enhance accountability * Appreciate the people behind your employees to deepen commitment. Apply The Power of Positive Coaching, and create a positive ripple effect throughout your team, your business, and your life.… (mehr)
Titel:The Power of Positive Coaching: The Mindset and Habits to Inspire Winning Results and Relationships
Autoren:Lee Colan (Autor)
Info:McGraw-Hill Education (2019), Edition: 1, 208 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Favoriten


The Power of Positive Coaching: The Mindset and Habits to Inspire Winning Results and Relationships von Lee Colan

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonSilkyBat, p4m, MercLibrary, chapterspk, Syed.Adnan
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Positive Coaching Mindset x Positive Coaching Habits = Winning Results and Relationships Most coaching books focus on skills and scripts. But without the right mindset, those skills and scripts will not yield the response and results your want from your team. When you have a positive mindset, you are able to see more opportunities for growth and improvement. Coaching is not just about investing in others-it's about investing in yourself. When you grow, you can better help others grow. The Power of Positive Coaching shows you how to elevate your coaching game and drive winning results and relationships. Acclaimed coaches Lee Colan, Ph. D. and Julie Davis-Colan reveal how to build a positive coaching mindset that you can use to apply the five positive coaching habits With this book as your guide, you'll learn how to: * Develop a more positive mindset to leverage on the job and in your personal life * Build proven, positive coaching habits by using simple tools and techniques * Inspire better results and relationships on your team * Explain the circle of consequences to gain alignment * Ask purposeful questions to ignite engagement * Involve your team to reduce the eight areas of waste to enlist ownership * Measure performance with relevant scoreboards to enhance accountability * Appreciate the people behind your employees to deepen commitment. Apply The Power of Positive Coaching, and create a positive ripple effect throughout your team, your business, and your life.

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